3 simple ways to treat newborn sputum at home

Sputum treatment for babies from folk methods is not difficult. Mom can use cajeput oil or chives leaves, the ingredients available in the home garden to help your baby soon say goodbye to this phlegm in the throat.


Babies with phlegm: Why should it be?

Nasal suction for your baby - Simple but effective

How to treat newborn phlegm with tea tree oil

Use chives leaves to treat baby sputum

In 80% of the newborn babies born 1-2 months old, sputum is not related to the flu or a cold. In these cases, the drug is not an effective treatment for newborn sputum. Instead, mothers should learn ways to treat newborn phlegm here to help them remove phlegm easily.

Newborns with phlegm in the nasal cavity and throat are quite common. The majority of cases do not cause serious health problems. However, babies with phlegm will make it difficult to breathe, resulting in wheezing, and poor sleep. Mothers should learn the reasons why babies have phlegm as well as how to effectively treat baby sputum at home.


Babies with phlegm: Why should it be?

Not "playing an evil role" as many people think, in fact phlegm is the mucus produced by the body to prevent the entry of harmful bacteria. When the production and removal of mucus is imbalanced, too much mucus becomes stagnant, resulting in phlegm.


3 simple ways to treat newborn sputum at home

Coughing with a lot of phlegm can be a warning to a sick child

During the first year after birth , the ability to remove mucus in babies is poor, so babies often have phlegm in the nasal cavity and throat. The more mucus accumulates, the more difficult it is for the child to breathe, wheeze or form a cough reflex, expelling phlegm from the body.

The majority of newborn babies wheezing, such as having phlegm, are usually not related to a cold or flu. However, the mother should not rule out the causes related to the pathology. Because in the infancy period, the child's resistance is very weak. Babies are easily attacked by bacteria, or infected by people around them.

Nasal suction for your baby - Simple but effective

Unlike adults who can actively "expel" phlegm by blowing or spitting, babies need maternal support and nasal aspiration kits .

Nasal suction is not very pleasant work. Mother should understand for the baby and do not scold and scold when the baby refuses to suck the nose. Instead, talk softly and take the following steps to get the most out of your nasal suction.

Use physiological saline for children (0.9% concentration) drops into the baby's nose to moisten and loosen mucus. This step will help mothers suck mucus out more easily, and at the same time help the baby help more pain.

Place your baby on a pillow, or lie on his side. Gently squeeze the balloon on the suction device, then bring the tip to one side of the baby's nose. Pay attention to do so gently, to avoid damaging the child's nasal mucosa.

Use your finger to gently press the other side of the nose, slowly release the ball. Clean the nozzle. Continue with the other side of the nose.

The mother can suck the baby's nose again if after 5-10 minutes the baby is still wheezing, uncomfortable. However, do not smoke more than 4 times / day. Excessive nasal aspiration can irritate the nasal mucosa, making mucus congestion worse.

How to treat newborn phlegm with tea tree oil

Melaleuca essential oil is extracted from the wind tea tree, can be used to treat many diseases, especially respiratory diseases. Moreover, the scent of essential oils also cleans the air in the room as well as enters the respiratory system, melts the thick and thick mucus (phlegm) in the trachea, making it easier for the baby to breathe.

3 simple ways to treat newborn sputum at home

Correct use of tea tree oil will help relieve symptoms of respiratory illnesses

Mom can use essential oil burner to diffuse the scent, or put a few drops of essential oil in baby's bath water. Alternatively, you can put essential oils in baby towels or bibs. However, be careful not to let essential oils touch your child's skin, especially concentrated essential oils.

3 simple ways to treat newborn sputum at home

4 things to remember when using Cajeput oil for babies The use of Cajeput oil for babies and children is so popular that the smell of Cajeput oil is known as the "smell of moms diapers". But do you know the possible side effects of your baby when using Cajeput oil incorrectly?


Use chives leaves to treat baby sputum

Oriental Medicine uses chives in many remedies to treat coughs and phlegm for babies, the mother can refer to as:

Chives distilled with alum sugar - A remedy for coughing up phlegm caused by cold infection

The way is very simple. Mother took 5-7 washed chives leaves, cut them short, mixed 1 teaspoon of sugar alum. Then steam for 15 minutes, extract water. Give children 3 times a day, 1 small spoon each time. Drink about 3-5 days.

Coughing babies with phlegm with chives leaves, lemon seeds and male papaya flowers

A handful of chives leaves, 10-20 grams of lemon seeds, 15 grams of washed male papaya flowers, then crushed. Mix alum sugar and steam for 30 minutes. Give children 2-3 times a day, each time 1 tablespoon about 5ml.

3 simple ways to treat newborn sputum at home

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Babies with phlegm become more dangerous if accompanied by persistent, persistent coughing bouts. Mastering the above methods of treating sputum for babies will help mothers quickly remove phlegm from the baby's nasal cavity and throat, making the baby more comfortable.

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