The way to breastfeed at night is not focused on the right time or the right amount. You should only breastfeed when your baby really needs it. Plus, the following 10 notes will be very helpful for moms.
Breastfeeding: How to breastfeed your baby
10 notes on how to breastfeed at night
The baby refuses to drink a bottle at night, what should the mother do?
Breastfeeding: How to breastfeed your baby
Breastfeeding is a mother's sacred function, and is a bond between the mother and her baby. To make this more comfortable, you can update the following ways:
1. Mental comfort
Making sure you feel comfortable and relaxed while feeding your baby will make breastfeeding easier and more enjoyable. When you feed your baby, sit on a chair where you can support your back, put a mattress or pillow under your arms, and find something to support your legs.
2. Proper feeding position for your baby
Usually, the way to breastfeed your baby has the following 3 positions: hugging the front of the chest, the pair under the armpits and lying position.
Sitting holding the baby in front of the chest: This is the most common posture and also a posture that helps to build a mother's affection through direct eye contact.
Underarm pair: If you are twins, this position is very suitable if you are feeding two babies at the same time.
Lying position: Suitable for mothers who have a cesarean section, however, for infants, health experts do not recommend lying down to breastfeed because it can lead to choking.
3. How to breastfeed your baby
Use a towel dipped in warm water to clean the nipples. Hold your baby on your lap, the baby's chest is against the mother's chest, the baby's belly is against the mother's womb, the baby's nose is level with the nipple. Gently bring the nipple to the baby's nose or lips to stimulate the baby to open wide.
When the baby's mouth is wide open, hold the baby to the mother's chest, the mother's arm is wrapped around the baby's body supporting the back and shoulders. Should let the baby suck the areola breast. When your baby sucks well, he or she will suckle deeply and steadily.
When the baby does not breastfeed properly, it will lead to a headache in the mother. At that time, stop feeding the baby for a while and then feed the baby again.
![10 notes on how to breastfeed your baby at night, update it now!](
4. Stop breastfeeding
When you feel a headache, the cause may be due to the baby is not latching properly. Please stop breastfeeding, consult an expert on how to breastfeed.
When the baby stops feeding, avoid pulling the baby from the breast, insert the little finger into the corner of the baby's mouth between the gums and gently separate the baby's mouth from the nipple.
After feeding, should coax the baby burp . Have your baby sit up or hold him on his shoulder and patted or stroked his back.
If you feel uncomfortable or hesitant to breastfeed in public, put a thin towel over your shoulder to keep your baby warm and cover your chest.
You should feed your baby evenly on both breasts (from one breast to the other).
If your baby is feeding very little or too quickly, you can express all the milk, store it in the rear-feeding refrigerator with a bottle or spoon (spoon).
Absolutely do not breastfeed in a lying position when you overslept, because it may happen that the baby is suffocated by the breast, leading to death.
10 notes on how to breastfeed at night
It is very common for babies to wake up at night every 2-3 hours to breastfeed. However, to help your baby differentiate day and night, you can apply some more tips to help make night-feeding more comfortable. Night-time feeding also contributes to the practice of sleeping through the night during 6 weeks of age.
1. Do not turn on lights
To help your baby understand the difference between day and night, mothers should limit the lights on when breastfeeding at night. If you have a small nightlight, having a moderate amount of light is enough for the night.
2. Be as quiet as possible
No matter how cute the little angels are, talking to your baby at night is the most wrong act that mothers often commit. The tranquility makes it easier for babies to regain their feelings of sleep after breastfeeding. If the mother talks to the baby while breastfeeding, the baby will become more difficult to sleep and more alert, it takes a long time to get back to sleep.
![10 notes on how to breastfeed your baby at night, update it now!](
You can put your baby back in the crib with a good night kiss, but don't say anything!
3. Respect your child's sleep
Newborn babies often do not work on a fixed schedule. There are days when your baby will wake up every 2-3 hours, but there are days when your baby's sleep will go straight 5-6 hours at night. You don't have to wake your baby up to breastfeed at night. With 5-6 hours of sleep, newborn babies still have enough energy to grow and gain weight .
4. Always remember to burp your baby
Whether breastfeeding during the day or night, you should still help your baby burp before putting the baby back on the bed. The burping will help push excess air out of the intestines, reducing the vomiting that usually occurs during many months of life.
5. Sleep in the same room as your baby
Letting your baby sleep in the same room as parents saves moms time for night feeds. As recommended by the World Health Organization (WHO), infants should sleep in the same room with their parents between 0 and 6 months of age . This makes it easier for mothers to detect abnormalities when their babies sleep. To ensure the safety of the baby, mothers should put the baby in the crib instead of lying in the same bed with parents.
6. How to breastfeed: Change diapers only when needed
As with breastfeeding, mothers do not need to change diapers when they are not needed. For example, if your baby "goes heavy", the diaper needs to be changed. Or if your baby is sleeping and breastfeeding, it is time to change diapers to keep the baby more alert while breastfeeding.
7. Arrange furniture properly
Mothers should prepare necessary things to breastfeed their babies in their room. Items including clothes, diapers and towels for the baby should be kept as close to the mother as possible and streamlined so that the mother always knows where to look, even in the dark.
8. Don't watch the clock
Before planning to breastfeed your baby , you may have heard tips like about 15 minutes or so on each breast. Using a clock to time it actually just makes me feel more tired. First, mothers should find a comfortable sitting position, ensure there is a firm support for the back and hips and let the baby suck until one chest is empty. Then, switch to the other side until the baby feels full and leaves the mother's chest.
9. Get help
If the mother performs breastmilk instead of directly breastfeeding, at night, she may not need to feed her baby directly. Any support from husband and other family members is also very valuable during this time. Thanks to that, mothers have to stay up at night less and sleep better. This is very important for the recovery of health and well-being after giving birth .
![10 notes on how to breastfeed your baby at night, update it now!](
What to eat thick and fragrant breast milk? Nothing is more beneficial for the health of infants than breast milk. In addition to relaxing rest, food plays a decisive role in the quality of breast milk. What to eat to make breastmilk thick and fragrant to help babies grow faster is the concern of many mothers.
10. Right position to breastfeed at night
![10 notes on how to breastfeed your baby at night, update it now!](
To help breastmilk come in more, babies are full and sleep well at night, mothers should pay attention to how to breastfeed properly. If the baby only closes the nipples but does not end the areola around, the mother should adjust. A baby that properly latches on the breast will help the baby suckle more milk, and at the same time stimulate the efficient milk glands.
In addition, the position to breastfeed at night needs to ensure that the mother is relaxed and relaxed. Mothers should sit with pillows or have a comfortable chair when breastfeeding.
With the above notes, mothers no longer have to worry about how to breastfeed at night and save a lot of time and energy to continue the long journey of taking care of the newborn baby.
The baby refuses to drink a bottle at night, what should the mother do?
If your baby refuses to bottle at night, try to breastfeed your baby before going to bed. If you still breastfeed, if the baby refuses to breastfeed at night, let the baby breastfeed. Many mothers are concerned that breastfeeding is not full enough at night. But if the baby refuses to suckle, the mother should not force it.
In particular, if your baby has started solids , he or she may not want to breastfeed at night. But mothers need to remember that breastmilk is still the main source of nutrition for your baby, and should breastfeed a lot during the day. It is also not so important for infants not to breastfeed at night if they are healthy and gain weight evenly. So don't worry too much.