Vaginal Bleeding

Learn about 8-week fetal development

Learn about 8-week fetal development

8 weeks gestation means you are in the first trimester. At this point, the darling is about the size of a strawberry.

Is colic during first month pregnancy dangerous?

Is colic during first month pregnancy dangerous?

Abdominal pain during first month pregnancy is a fairly common phenomenon, but you should not be too subjective to avoid the risk to the fetus.

Week 22

Week 22

The 22-week-old fetus begins to look like a tiny newborn when his lips, eyelids, and eyebrows all become more visible.

Should I have sex in the first 3 months of pregnancy?

Should I have sex in the first 3 months of pregnancy?

Whether the first trimester of pregnancy should have sex depends on the health of your pregnancy. Read now to see if you should "love" no!

Answer questions about the hemorrhage under the membrane

Answer questions about the hemorrhage under the membrane

During pregnancy, a number of unusual symptoms may appear in pregnant women, including vaginal bleeding due to hemorrhage under the membrane.

Is bleeding during pregnancy dangerous for pregnant mothers?

Is bleeding during pregnancy dangerous for pregnant mothers?

About 20% of pregnant mothers experience bleeding during pregnancy at some point in time. However, don't worry too much as there are women who have gone through this symptom and they still have a very normal, healthy pregnancy.

9 red alarms cannot be overlooked in the third trimester

9 red alarms cannot be overlooked in the third trimester

The third trimester is the time when pregnant mothers need to be careful because the baby is about to be born. At this point, there are some possible negative signals that you should not take lightly.

Good tips to help pregnant mothers stop dizziness immediately

Good tips to help pregnant mothers stop dizziness immediately

Pregnancy dizziness usually occurs only in the first 3 months. However, it can sometimes last throughout pregnancy.

How to distinguish vaginal bleeding from menstruation

How to distinguish vaginal bleeding from menstruation

aFamilyToday Health - Some women experience vaginal bleeding right after conception, but vaginal bleeding or spotting is not the same as pregnancy.

Early identification of uterine cleft for timely treatment

Early identification of uterine cleft for timely treatment

Uterine or cervical opening is one of the causes of miscarriage. Therefore, it is extremely important to learn more about this issue.