What to eat fertile? 13 foods you should know

Diet can help you increase your chances of successfully conceiving. So what should you eat to easily conceive? Try the foods that aFamilyToday Health introduces in the following article,

The causes of the condition of difficulty conceiving usually originate from stress, disorders of the endocrine system , living habits, diabetes ... To avoid negative effects from the above causes and speed up the In pregnancy , one of the things you should do is to add the following foods to your daily diet.

What to eat to get pregnant: 13 foods you need to know

Adding the following 13 foods to your daily routine can help you increase your chances of conceiving successfully.


1. Beans

What to eat fertile?  13 foods you should know



Scientists from Harvard Medical University , USA said that women who eat a lot of vegetable proteins such as soybean oil, soybean ... have less difficulty in conceiving. In addition to soybeans, there are many other legumes that you can use to increase your chances of having children at will, such as lentils, young soybeans, tofu and similar plant protein seeds.

2. What to eat to get pregnant? These are dark green leafy vegetables

What to eat fertile?  13 foods you should know



Dark green vegetables such as spinach, broccoli, spinach, kale ... help increase ovulation in women and help to conceive more easily. They are not only good food for conception but also very useful during pregnancy because they are rich in antioxidants, iron and folic acid. Eating plenty of dark green vegetables will help reduce the risk of anemia and prevent birth defects in the fetus.

3. Nuts

What to eat fertile?  13 foods you should know



Some nuts like almonds, walnuts, chestnuts, and cashews are good for the body. The fats in these fruits are not saturated fats that are harmful to the body, but the fats are made up of monounsaturated fats, which are necessary in regulating insulin and increasing the ability of the body. conception . In addition, they are also rich in vitamin E.

Pumpkin seeds contain a lot of iron with hemoglobin, an iron found in some plants and iron-fortified foods. One study found that women who regularly take iron supplements can significantly reduce the risk of difficulty conceiving more than those who don't take iron supplements.

In addition, you should also eat sunflower seeds about 3 times per week. Sunflower seeds are zinc-rich foods, even small seeds, but they can help balance reproductive hormones in your body, thereby helping to increase the quality of women's eggs. In addition, sunflower seeds contain a lot of folate, a synthetic folic acid - a chemical compound necessary for cell division and development. In addition, during pregnancy, the body of a pregnant woman also needs to supplement folic acid to prevent birth defects.

4. Olive oil

What to eat fertile?  13 foods you should know



Another answer to the question of what to eat to get pregnant is olive oil. Olive oil contains monounsaturated fats that increase insulin sensitivity and reduce inflammation throughout the body (inflammation associated with ovulation, conception, and early embryo development). You can use olive oil for salad dressings, for cooking, or as a substitute for butter.

5. Salmon

What to eat fertile?  13 foods you should know



According to The New York Times, eating fish can help with your conception. Cold water fish contains a lot of omega-3 fatty acids that help regulate fertility hormones and increase blood flow to the reproductive organs. Salmon is also a fish with a lower mercury concentration than other fish. According to BabyCenter, you should eat salmon or fish low in mercury about 1 to 2 times per week to get pregnant faster.

6. Zinc-rich foods

What to eat fertile?  13 foods you should know



Quite a lot of men wonder what to eat to improve sperm quality . Accordingly, marine animals such as oysters and oysters are said to be the food that "makes" strong sperm thanks to the abundant zinc supply, and at the same time, contribute to making her eggs better. You can also add some other zinc rich foods such as legumes, egg yolks, radishes, guava… and nuts.

7. Garlic

What to eat fertile?  13 foods you should know



You might not expect that the problem of eating so that you can conceive is not as difficult to find as you think, since widely used foods like garlic are also on this list. Garlic is considered as the "savior" for couples in conception. Garlic contains selenium, a mineral that helps to maximize the development of sperm, enhance fertility and especially prevent early miscarriage in pregnant mothers. In addition, garlic also contains vitamin B6 that aids in hormone regulation and strengthens the body's immune system .

8. What to eat easy to conceive? Please choose fruit!

What to eat fertile?  13 foods you should know


Fruit is the "king" of foods on the list of foods that help increase fertility. The amount of unsaturated fats in the fruit can help improve your reproductive health. Women who eat a lot of fruit are three times more likely to conceive than women who eat less.

Pineapple is one of the best sources of magnesium , which plays an important role in activating the production of fertility hormones. Therefore, if women have a magnesium deficiency, they will have difficulty conceiving. You can take a regular pineapple supplement to ensure your magnesium needs.

Berries are berries of the berry family such as strawberries, blueberries, raspberry ... They are rich in antioxidants, vitamin E, vitamin C, potassium, folate, fiber and water. This fruit works to prevent the aging of egg cells.

Bananas are rich in vitamin B6 and are an essential food for the production of hormones. Eating plenty of bananas will help keep the menstrual cycle regular and help the eggs develop healthy. In addition, bananas also help convert food into energy, create blood cells for the fetus, help the baby develop eyesight and have healthy skin. With the above benefits, you cannot ignore bananas in your diet.

9. Honey

What to eat fertile?  13 foods you should know



Honey's miraculous effects in enhancing fertility along with its ability to cure several other diseases have been known for a long time. Honey is rich in minerals and amino acids, which are thought to help boost sperm quality as well as promote ovarian and uterine health. Women wishing to have children are encouraged to drink one teaspoon of honey mixed with cinnamon powder every day.

10. Cinnamon

What to eat fertile?  13 foods you should know



Some of the benefits of cinnamon for health include helping to reduce insulin levels, prevent cancer and increase egg release rate. You can use it with fruit juice or with cinnamon in your meal.

11. What to eat to easily conceive? That is the egg

What to eat fertile?  13 foods you should know



People on high protein and low carbohydrate diets experience higher pregnancy rates. Therefore, you should adjust your diet and add protein-rich foods . Protein derived from meats is said to be very good but also contains many pathogenic bacteria. The best source of protein is egg whites, which are loaded with amino acids.

12. Milk

What to eat fertile?  13 foods you should know



Recent studies show that whole milk is a good fertility food. Milk is a source of calcium, phosphorus and vitamin D. These are also substances that play an important role in the formation and development of fetal bones in the future.

13. What to eat easy to conceive? That is red meat

What to eat fertile?  13 foods you should know



Red meat is rich in iron and vitamin B12. Therefore, this is an excellent food to prevent anemia. In addition, red meats also help reduce the risk of infertility and play a key role in the production of red blood cells. Red meat such as beef, goat, and pork are also essential for the development of the nervous system. Make sure you are choosing hygienic, tested meats that should be eaten in moderation.

Note when you intend to become pregnant

What to eat fertile?  13 foods you should know



The first thing you should do once you've decided to become pregnant is to change your diet. Ideally, you should choose a diet that does not increase weight but increases fertility and strengthens the body so that pregnancy and childbirth happen easily.

Staying away from stimulants like alcohol, sweets, and bad fatty foods is also important at this time. In addition, you should also have prenatal exams to know the health situation as well as full pre-pregnancy vaccination to make future pregnancy safer.

Hopefully this article has helped you answer the question of what to eat to help you conceive. The above foods are not only rich in nutrients but also help a lot for your conception. In addition, these foods are easy to find and use. Don't forget to add them to your daily healthy diet.


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