tips on teaching children

Play with your child 5 math games to increase his childs thinking ability

Play with your child 5 math games to increase his childs thinking ability

Although math is a difficult subject, it is very enjoyable for young children. Depending on how you bring numbers to your child, your child will love the subject more. To help your child learn while playing, aFamilyToday Health will guide you through 5 fun math games.

10 ways to raise girls to become confident and brave

10 ways to raise girls to become confident and brave

The wrong parenting of a daughter can cause babies to lose confidence in their abilities. Be good parents by teaching your kids to recognize their own worth.

Writing letters to children, a method of nurturing a childs soul

Writing letters to children, a method of nurturing a childs soul

Writing letters to your children not only helps you to keep memories but also for parents to express their love for them.

7 lazy moms parenting experiences that you should follow

7 lazy moms parenting experiences that you should follow

Learning from mothers who are famous for effective teaching methods is one thing that you should not ignore.

Helping children to be more confident with only 9 tips

Helping children to be more confident with only 9 tips

There are many factors that make children shy, passive such as personality, surroundings ... However, you can help your child become more confident day by day with just a few tips.

Quarreling in front of children will affect the childs development

Quarreling in front of children will affect the childs development

In life, sometimes there are times when the husband and wife eat unhealthy rice, which leads to arguments or even quarrels in front of their children. If within a limit, the argument will not adversely affect the child. However, when out of control, the argument can have a negative impact on a child.

10 tips to help your family use the network safely

10 tips to help your family use the network safely

Knowing how to use a secure network will help you and your family members avoid the risk of fraud or even life.

Teaching children negotiating skills, factors that help children succeed in the future

Teaching children negotiating skills, factors that help children succeed in the future

If you think your child is able to understand certain information, you can teach him negotiating skills to help him develop a personal relationship.

Reveal 5 reasons why you should have a second baby

Reveal 5 reasons why you should have a second baby

Many people believe that there should be only one child to be able to raise well. However, having a second child will bring more benefits than that.

9 ways to calm down when you are angry that you should teach your child

9 ways to calm down when you are angry that you should teach your child

Anger is normal and it is experienced by everyone. Therefore, parents need to teach children how to calm down when angry from a young age. When growing up, this skill will help children a lot in work and life instead of wasting frustrating and annoying time.

Do not ignore 7 wonderful parenting ideas

Do not ignore 7 wonderful parenting ideas

In addition to traditional parenting ideas, parents can refer to new thoughts such as teaching their child how to say no and responding when bullied.

To teach children to bathe by themselves, what should mothers do?

To teach children to bathe by themselves, what should mothers do?

As parents, everyone wants to see their children grow up healthy and happy. Self-bathing and body hygiene are one of the most important skills you should teach your child. To make it easier to teach children to bathe themselves, do not ignore the article of aFamilyToday Health.

8 ways to ensure your childs safety when going out

8 ways to ensure your childs safety when going out

It is not uncommon for a young child to have an accident while riding an escalator, get lost or fall on a glass door. Parents can avoid the above problems if they apply safe ways for their children. Although these are simple ways, they can save children in dangerous situations.

Parents of helicopters make small brains slow to develop

Parents of helicopters make small brains slow to develop

Helicopter parents is a term used to refer to parents who always pay too much attention to every action, whether big or small, of their children, but advocate that it is all due to the care of their children.

Reveal 6 elements you need to have good parenting

Reveal 6 elements you need to have good parenting

Experts at Harvard University, USA, have revealed 6 things you should do to raise your children well and help the family relationship become stronger. If you want to know what it is, do not ignore the article of aFamilyToday Health.

6 myths about child sexual abuse can put your child in danger

6 myths about child sexual abuse can put your child in danger

Child sexual abuse is a pain in the whole society. As a parent, you need to act right away so your baby doesn't have to be the next victim.

Boys playing dolls: Dont panic, parents!

Boys playing dolls: Dont panic, parents!

When you see a boy playing with a doll, you worry and forbid it because you think this toy is not suitable for your child. However, when you know its benefits, you may think again.

Teaching children to share improperly will have bad consequences for them

Teaching children to share improperly will have bad consequences for them

Teach your children to share to form their good personality later. However, if you apply it incorrectly, you will cause bad consequences for your children.

8 ways to help children love difficult subjects

8 ways to help children love difficult subjects

Any subject can become a challenge for children. To help your child love difficult subjects, turn them into fun activities.

The 9 principles of healthcare for children are not always correct

The 9 principles of healthcare for children are not always correct

There are some well-known principles of health care that you can do, but you can still do the "opposite" without causing any harm.

12 punishments children without spanking

12 punishments children without spanking

Young children always seem to be hyperactive and often have extreme expressions that make parents angry or angry. However, parents should not punish their children by spanking, but should use smarter methods to train their children to give up bad habits.

9 things that wise parents should not forbid children from doing

9 things that wise parents should not forbid children from doing

As a parent everyone wants their children to be safe, so they impose limits on their children, but there are things that really mothers shouldn't forbid their children from doing.

Teach your kids 10 essential life skills right away

Teach your kids 10 essential life skills right away

Not only take care of each meal, sleep and study, but you also teach essential life skills for your child to be independent without friends.

Make your home a safe place for children

Make your home a safe place for children

Not only can children be in danger outside, but in the home there are many dangers lurking. Therefore, you need to be vigilant about objects in the house, make a checklist of items that can harm your children and take safety measures for children to minimize risks.

Teaching your baby to sleep separately is no longer difficult with 10 great tips

Teaching your baby to sleep separately is no longer difficult with 10 great tips

Teaching babies to sleep separately is something that parents should do from a young age. However, this job is not easy because the baby refuses to cooperate with their parents.

Potty training for girls is not the same as boys

Potty training for girls is not the same as boys

While some of the basic principles of potty training remain the same, there are some differences when it comes to teaching a girl or a boy to use a potty.

Girls brains develop 10 years faster than boys

Girls brains develop 10 years faster than boys

Girls' brains are fully developed from the age of 10 while boys are 20 years old. This is discovered by scientists in the UK. However, there are ways to stimulate better brain development in many ways.

8 tips to teach children to make friends easily that parents should apply

8 tips to teach children to make friends easily that parents should apply

Making friends is an essential human life skill. However, this skill does not come naturally, but it needs parents to teach children how to make friends.

6 important social skills needed to teach children

6 important social skills needed to teach children

Teaching children social skills is just as important as learning knowledge in school. This helps me to be confident and successful.

What will your child be taught to attend kindergarten?

What will your child be taught to attend kindergarten?

When your child is in kindergarten, he or she will learn a lot of background knowledge to serve for future development. In addition, parents can also help their children review at home.

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