pregnant woman

Are morning sickness symptoms signaling babys sex?

Are morning sickness symptoms signaling babys sex?

Is the food you crave a sign of the baby's sex in your belly? Morning sickness symptoms signal the sex of the baby in the womb

Vaccination during pregnancy: all you need to know

Vaccination during pregnancy: all you need to know

aFamilyToday Health - Vaccination during pregnancy and before pregnancy not only helps protect the mother's health but also ensures the safety for the baby.

Pregnant mothers know nothing about the hematoma under the membrane?

Pregnant mothers know nothing about the hematoma under the membrane?

Sub-membrane hematoma usually does not cause many complications, but in some cases it can cause miscarriage or affect the baby.

Benefits of basil for pregnant women and children

Benefits of basil for pregnant women and children

Basil is a familiar spice vegetable in family meals. Pregnant women who eat basil in moderation will be good for the health of mothers and babies.

Should pregnant women draw henna?

Should pregnant women draw henna?

Pregnant women can still draw henna, however, to ensure the safety of yourself and your baby, you should be aware of some essential precautions.

Is the uterus dangerous for pregnant women?

Is the uterus dangerous for pregnant women?

The bipedal uterus is a form of birth defect. Most women with a bipedal uterus do not know until they go to a gynecological or antenatal visit.

The secret to helping pregnant mothers reduce dizziness during pregnancy

The secret to helping pregnant mothers reduce dizziness during pregnancy

Dizziness is one of the common conditions pregnant mothers will experience. But why pregnant women get dizzy during pregnancy and how can mothers handle that?

Answer the question Is pregnant with x-ray okay?

Answer the question Is pregnant with x-ray okay?

For a long time, many pregnant mothers have always wondered what is wrong with having x-ray pregnancy? But not all pregnant mothers get a satisfactory answer.

Common skin diseases in children

Common skin diseases in children

aFamilyToday Health - Childish skin is inherently fragile, so learning about skin diseases such as seborrheic dermatitis and roseola will help you take care of your baby's skin easier.