
Understand thoroughly about eggs and sperm

Understand thoroughly about eggs and sperm

Join aFamilyToday Health to learn about eggs and sperm, how they meet, and about conception and the formation of the fetus.

The art of raising teenagers 15 to 17 years old

The art of raising teenagers 15 to 17 years old

aFamilyToday Health - Parents applying effective educational methods to teach teenagers will help their children grow and develop in the right direction.

What should parents do when their children are gay?

What should parents do when their children are gay?

aFamilyToday Health - You will have a lot of questions when you see your baby's strange expressions. You wonder if your child is LGBT. How do parents have the answers

8 ways to effectively educate about sex for children

8 ways to effectively educate about sex for children

Many parents really want to find ways to educate their children about sex but do not know where to start. Let Hello Basi suggest you!

Troubleshooting relationship when pregnancy has just stopped?

Troubleshooting relationship when pregnancy has just stopped?

Having sex at the end of a period, pregnant or not or those are safe days and without protection is a question of much concern.

4 simple, easy and effective tips for pregnancy!

4 simple, easy and effective tips for pregnancy!

Finding the secret of getting pregnant easier is essential if you want to quickly welcome new members for your small family.

The art of raising adolescents 12 to 14 years old

The art of raising adolescents 12 to 14 years old

aFamilyToday Health - Sharing, understanding, always knowing what your child needs, ... are ways that parents can apply to raise adolescents as early as 12 to 14 years old

7 things you should know about a forward receding uterus

7 things you should know about a forward receding uterus

Do you know what a precursor uterus is? This may sound strange to you, but it occurs in many women. However, most cases of a retrograde uterus are not dangerous and need not be worried.

7 tips for easy pregnancy not everyone knows

7 tips for easy pregnancy not everyone knows

You have been waiting for a little angel for a long time but still have not had good news? Get your pocket right now 7 tips for easy conception through the following article offline!

Having orgasm during pregnancy can cause miscarriage or premature birth?

Having orgasm during pregnancy can cause miscarriage or premature birth?

Achieving orgasm during pregnancy not only does not harm the baby but also helps pregnant mothers reduce stress, tighten the relationship between husband and wife.

13 things to teach a daughter before she turns 13

13 things to teach a daughter before she turns 13

Puberty usually begins at the age of 13 and before that, there are lessons that you should teach your daughter to prepare your baby for a good psychological and personality foundation.

Motivation and what you should know

Motivation and what you should know

In case the pregnant mother cannot have natural labor or the pregnancy is over the due date, the doctor will use the method to urge the mother to round the baby.