Learn nutrition for pregnant women 6 months

The 6th month of pregnancy is the time when pregnant women will need to add folic acid and fruits, vegetables, fruits, and meat rich in protein to provide their baby with the best development conditions.

When pregnancy enters the 6th month period, pregnant mothers have gradually controlled nausea and morning sickness . However, the feeling of hunger can increase as your baby needs more nutrients to develop during this period. In addition to eating regularly to alleviate hunger, pregnant women also need to eat properly because everything you eat now will play a huge role in the development of the fetus as well as to have a good shape.

What should be eaten in the 6th month of pregnancy?

By the time you reach the 6th month of pregnancy, you will begin to feel cravings or hunger appear more often. So, let's find out what foods are good for pregnant women for 6 months so that you can both satisfy the stomach and be healthy.


1. Foods rich in vitamin C

During the 6th month of pregnancy, due to the increased blood flow in the body, the pregnant mother may begin to bleed her teeth . If the condition worsens, it can lead to gingivitis. Therefore, increased absorption of vitamin C will be essential for maintaining and restoring connective tissues throughout the body, including the tissue that connects teeth with gums and bones. The foods rich in vitamin C that you can eat typically include:

Oranges, lemons and tangerines




Sweet potato

Bell pepper.

2. Vegetables and fruits

The bigger the baby gets, the more likely it is that the mother will get indigestion and constipation. In certain studies, up to 85% of women can experience hemorrhoids during pregnancy .

On the other hand, fiber comes from fruits and vegetables, which is always an essential part of the 6th month pregnancy diet because this substance will help your "go heavy" process lighter. so many, so much. Feel free to turn all kinds of fresh fruits and vegetables into delicious dishes not only for main meals but also for snacks.

3. 6 months pregnant should drink plenty of fluids

Remember that when you are pregnant, you eat not only for two, but for two as well. You should drink at least 8 glasses of water per day. Alternatively, for a taste change, prepare yourself for a cool smoothie or juice for sipping. Water supply for the body is one of the factors to be underestimated when discussing food for 6-month pregnant women. However, drinking enough water will help you fight constipation and many other discomfort.

4. Foods rich in folic acid

Learn nutrition for pregnant women 6 months



Folic acid is a fairly complex form of vitamin. Sixth month pregnant women need folic acid to create new cells. In addition, experts also emphasize the importance of actively supplementing this vitamin in the second trimester because the fetal brain is developing rapidly by the end of the 24th week of pregnancy.

Some of the foods rich in folic acid for you include:


Whole grains, green vegetables (broccoli, spinach and lettuce)


Sunflower seed


Sesame seeds (sesame seeds)







5. Protein-rich foods

This important nutrient should be part of your daily diet. Experts have advised when eating fatty fish, you should limit eating skin or meat with too much fat. In addition, the protein foods that are good for pregnant women in 6 months include:


Chicken breast

Black beans

Lean pork

White fish such as red tilapia, basa fish, plaice fish, halibut, catfish, tilapia ...

6. Foods rich in carbohydrates

Like protein, carbohydrates are an essential nutrient for everyday life. The body burns carbohydrates for energy. In addition, excess carbohydrates are converted to fat and stored in cells. Depending on the amount of weight as well as the advice of the doctor, pregnant mothers can design a suitable diet for themselves.

Good carbohydrate sources include:


Quinoa (quinoa)


Sweet potato







What should you avoid when pregnant 6 months pregnant?

Learn nutrition for pregnant women 6 months



There are some foods that are not suitable for both sixth-month pregnant women and fetuses in the womb, such as:

1. Raw seafood

Are you an avid fan of fresh seafood, such as sushi or fish salad? Perhaps, it's time for you to take a break from these favorite foods. According to experts, raw fish carries high levels of methyl mercury, which can cause food-related illnesses, such as food poisoning.

2. Undercooked meat

Besides raw seafood, freshly cooked meat dishes are also on the list of foods that should not be eaten by the 6th month of pregnancy because the risk of food poisoning is not low. Always make sure what you enjoy is cooked.

3. Drink a lot of caffeine

Pregnant mothers regularly enjoy drinks high in caffeine, which will increase the chance that babies will suffer from restlessness or sleeplessness. In addition, pregnant women who drink a lot of coffee also increase their fetal heart rate and gradually increase the potential risk of "addiction" to coffee from the womb. In addition, because the fetus has not yet formed a detoxification mechanism, caffeine will remain in the baby's body for a long time.

4. Soybeans

Soy contains phytoestrogens - compounds used to increase fertility. Phytoestrogens act as a "natural" form of estrogen and increase the binding of estrogen receptors in the body.

However, if you're pregnant, these fake hormones can adversely affect the baby's brain, genitals and immune system development. Therefore, you should not drink too much soy milk to avoid bad conditions appearing.

5. Greasy food

Many pregnant mothers share that they suddenly crave greasy foods during pregnancy. However, you are not alone! Fast food or deep fried foods can easily tempt anyone. However, the amount of calories in them is not low and it is easy to make the blood sugar index of the sixth month pregnant woman suddenly increase and then quickly drop. These changes will cause discomfort, fatigue and long-term weakness of vital organs.

6. Food is too spicy

Eating a little spicy will add to the deliciousness of the meal, but if you eat spicy "a little", it is not good. The spicy spices that enter the stomach create undesirable conditions, such as heartburn, indigestion and internal discomfort.

Tips for 6 months pregnant women

Cravings are a natural part of pregnancy! Make it a habit to indulge in healthy cravings such as pregnant fruits and vegetables or nuts.

Craving for greasy fast food is normal during pregnancy. Pregnant mothers should only indulge these cravings once or twice a week provided that they should only consume small portions.

Satisfying a craving is not easy either. After you eat something and want to order more, don't do this right away. Sit back and wait about 5 minutes or more to get the desired control. In addition, the stomach also needs some time to signal to the brain that the pregnant mother is full and does not need to eat anymore.

It is essential to have a balanced diet and provide both the body and the baby with all the essential nutrients. In addition to periodic pregnancy check-ups, pregnant mothers should take care of their own health as well as their spirit. A happy, happy mother will also give birth to healthy, energetic little angels.



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