Family Knowledge - Education, Health, Pregnancy, Beauty, Entertainment

6 types of fruits immediately answer questions to help mothers cool their milk

6 types of fruits immediately answer questions to help mothers cool their milk

The mother has plenty of milk, but the milk is hot, the child's digestive system has to work quite hard to metabolize all the substances. With babies, this is not a good problem at all. So what to eat to cool the mother? Simply add more fruit to your diet each day.

Using nuggets for anorexic child must know how to get enough food!

Using nuggets for anorexic child must know how to get enough food!

Using nuggets for children with anorexia, wrong dose, right type is not only bad but also leads to many negative effects on children's health. Mother do not risk but put all your trust in Google doctor.

Is it okay for a baby with big belly: not to worry, mom!

Is it okay for a baby with big belly: not to worry, mom!

Are babies with big belly? Does the baby have a dangerous condition or is simply too full? Because the baby is so young, even the smallest problems always make every mother worry.

Wash baby bottles: Think simple but not?

Wash baby bottles: Think simple but not?

Improper sterilization of bottles is the main reason why babies stop feeding, stop eating, and have diarrhea and have come to hand and foot diseases. Mother will have to how to properly clean the children's daily utensils to ensure the safety of the baby.

Finding secrets of mothers with little sick children

Finding secrets of mothers with little sick children

Nutrition for your baby needs to be provided fully and comprehensively from the first years of life. This not only helps the baby to strengthen the immune system but also limits the "sickness". visit regularly.

5 parenting trends are hottest right now

5 parenting trends are hottest right now

Join Marrbaby to learn about new trends adopted by many parents in parenting. New ways of teaching help children develop brain and adapt to today's living environment!

Teach your children to be human from moral lessons through 4 simple steps

Teach your children to be human from moral lessons through 4 simple steps

Teaching children to be human is always a parent's concern and responsibility. With the following 4 steps, you will find a way to teach your children moral lessons extremely effectively.

Blood reported pregnancy in a few days? How to distinguish from menstruation

Blood reported pregnancy in a few days? How to distinguish from menstruation

You need to know how many days the pregnancy occurs to avoid mistaking the menstrual phenomenon as well as help take care of the pregnancy in the first place.

Let children do weights at the wrong time: Pros and cons

Let children do weights at the wrong time: Pros and cons

Babies lifting weights at the right time bring many benefits for bone development and health. Weight training needs to be aware of many problems lest children get injured.

Prevents drowning in children from unexpected hazards

Prevents drowning in children from unexpected hazards

Childhood drowning is one of the leading causes of death. Parents need to prevent drowning for their children from now on lest they regret it.

See 4 reasons why you should let your child learn to meditate

See 4 reasons why you should let your child learn to meditate

Having your child learn to meditate will bring many benefits, especially in the mental aspect. Your baby will also sleep better and develop social interaction skills.

How to combine formula with breast milk?

How to combine formula with breast milk?

Breastfeeding is the best option. However, in some cases, you need to combine formula with breast milk for your baby to develop comprehensively.

Tobacco smoke harms young children: Quit smoking right away

Tobacco smoke harms young children: Quit smoking right away

The harmful effects of tobacco smoke can cause many serious illnesses for young children. Protect your children from secondhand smoke to keep them healthy.

5 teas that reduce female fertility

5 teas that reduce female fertility

No matter how much tea you like to drink, you should be careful because sometimes there are teas that decrease fertility without your knowledge.

Is the first 6 years of a childs life the most important period?

Is the first 6 years of a childs life the most important period?

The first 6 years of life play an important role in the development of the baby's brain. Taking good care and raising your child at this age is something you need to keep in mind.

For children to have a healthy start, they need a completely new solution

For children to have a healthy start, they need a completely new solution

Formula goat milk with high quality protein, full of essential amino acids, rich in CPP is the ideal conductor to help children absorb maximum.

Tip 11 ways to help you check your childs eyesight

Tip 11 ways to help you check your childs eyesight

You should check your child's vision early so that you can detect abnormalities and find ways to improve. With 11 ways, you can check your child's eyesight.

As an only child, what advantages and disadvantages will a child have?

As an only child, what advantages and disadvantages will a child have?

One study has shown that, aside from the disadvantages, only children are more flexible and creative than babies with many siblings.

Your babys development will evaluate how good the breast milk is

Your babys development will evaluate how good the breast milk is

Answering the question of how breastmilk is good has many explanations about the composition of milk, the benefits that milk brings, but the development of the baby is important.

3 things mothers do not know when letting babies relax under water

3 things mothers do not know when letting babies relax under water

Getting infants exposed to water early in a free swimming way or freely flushing their feet underwater is the best way to improve the cardiovascular system.

5 movies help children listen to standard English like native speakers

5 movies help children listen to standard English like native speakers

Teaching children to listen to standard English becomes easier if mothers regularly show the following 5 animated movies

Newborns sleeping in the wrong position are prone to sudden death

Newborns sleeping in the wrong position are prone to sudden death

Babies sleeping in the wrong position are prone to sudden death is the latest scientific information published by researchers in the US on CNN.

Explore the effects of marjoram oil on young children

Explore the effects of marjoram oil on young children

Marjoram oil is famous for its antibacterial, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory properties ... and many other benefits for children that you should know.

For children to gain weight well, they need a stream of cool milk

For children to gain weight well, they need a stream of cool milk

For children to gain weight well, goat's milk has a unique protein system that reduces the digestive burden and the ability to produce allergies, known as the cool milk line.

How much vitamin C is enough for pregnant women?

How much vitamin C is enough for pregnant women?

Supplementing vitamin C for pregnant women every day helps the fetus to develop and grow healthy. Excess or missing additions have negative consequences.

The breakthrough nutritional ingredient helps to develop IQ & EQ in children

The breakthrough nutritional ingredient helps to develop IQ & EQ in children

Breakthrough nutritional ingredients help develop IQ & amp; EQ in children is the MFGM. With this ingredient, children develop optimally intellectually and emotionally.

What should virus fever eat to get better quickly?

What should virus fever eat to get better quickly?

Eating the right foods when having a viral fever contributes to increase the child's resistance to quickly repel the virus from the body. Do you know what viral fever should eat?

The standard way to worship the baby boys crib to have a good start

The standard way to worship the baby boys crib to have a good start

The way of waving a baby boy's cradle in Vietnamese culture is very important and needs to be carried out in order for the baby to have a good start.

5 ways to cure nasal congestion for babies quickly and effectively

5 ways to cure nasal congestion for babies quickly and effectively

The fastest and most effective way to treat nasal congestion at home is to use saline, steam or essential oils.

Choose the best formula for babies, you already know how?

Choose the best formula for babies, you already know how?

There are many types of milk on the market that make mothers overwhelmed so choosing the best formula for babies is very difficult.

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