13 baby boy pregnancy signs help you realize the gender of your baby


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Every mother is curious about the gender of her baby. If you are pregnant with a baby boy, how do you recognize the signs of a baby boy pregnancy? Of course, every guess always gives only a 50% correct probability. Stay tuned for the shares below to learn more about some early pregnancy signs !

13 easy-to-recognize signs of pregnancy for boys 

1. High or low abdomen

This is the most common predictor of the sex of the fetus that mothers often apply.

If your tummy is lying low, you're more likely to be a good baby.

2. Color of urine

The color of urine usually changes during photolysis.

If the urine is light yellow, you are probably pregnant with a boy, if the color is milky, it will be a girl.

3. Appearance of acne

13 baby boy pregnancy signs help you realize the gender of your baby



During pregnancy, hormonal changes cause many changes in the mother's body.

Acne is one of the signs that a boy is in your belly.

4. Change chest size

During pregnancy, the twins will get bigger to prepare for breastfeeding.

Usually, the left breast is usually slightly larger than the right breast. However, a sign of a baby boy's pregnancy is that the right breast will be larger than the left breast.

5. Cold feet during pregnancy

During pregnancy, the mother's legs are usually colder than before.

6. Fetal heart rate

During antenatal care, the doctor will measure the baby's heart rate.

If your baby's heart rate is below 140 beats / minute, you are about to have a baby boy.

7. Hair grows fast

If your hair is coming out faster than usual, it's a sign of a baby boy.

8. Craving for sour food

If any pregnant mother craves sour food, she is likely pregnant with a baby boy.

9. Sleep position

13 baby boy pregnancy signs help you realize the gender of your baby




Fatigue is a problem that mothers face regularly throughout pregnancy.

When you sleep, if you usually lie on your left side, you are more likely to give birth to a boy.

10. Dry hands

Watch your hands during pregnancy. If your hands are dry, you will most likely give birth to a baby boy.

11. Don't get morning sickness

If you do not have symptoms of morning sickness , it is also a sign that there is a boy in your stomach.

12. Weight gain during pregnancy

Along with the signs of a pointed belly, if you are pregnant with a boy, you tend to gain a lot of weight in your abdomen, while pregnant with a girl, the mother usually gains weight in all parts from the face, nose to arms and legs. .

13. Change in personality

A baby's sex is often influenced by the mother's personality.

If a woman becomes aggressive and strong during pregnancy, she is more likely to give birth to a boy because then, the testosterone level increases leading to the formation of the baby's sex.


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3 tests to help determine the baby's sex

1. Pregnancy ultrasound

Ultrasound is often accurate up to 90% when determining the sex of the baby. You should have an ultrasound after the 16th week of pregnancy to ensure the health and normal development of your baby.

2. The Ramzi method

This is a new ultrasound method that helps determine the sex of the fetus at 6 weeks of pregnancy based on the position of the placenta.

3. Genetic testing

Common genetic testing methods include placenta biopsy and amniocentesis. Placenta biopsy is usually done at weeks 10 to 12. These tests are up to 99% accurate.

7 tips to increase the ability to have a son at will

If you're dreaming of having a cute baby boy, follow some of the tips below to increase your chances of having a boy:

1. Intercourse posture

The Shettles Method says that to increase the likelihood of a boy, you should perform positions that allow the "boy" to penetrate the deepest "girl" to help the sperm get closer to the cervix.

In addition, this also helps to close the distance for the sperm to meet the egg. Sperm with the Y chromosome usually has a shorter lifespan, so this will ensure that Y sperm can easily reach the egg before dying.

Some intercourse poses to help increase the likelihood of a boy: traditional posture, hip elevation, recumbent lying ... ..

2. Calculate the date of ovulation

13 baby boy pregnancy signs help you realize the gender of your baby



Choosing the right time to have a relationship, calculating the correct date will help you increase the rate of having a son.

You should have sex one day after ovulation. Since cervical mucus during ovulation is often acidic, this is not beneficial for Y sperm.

To calculate the effective ovulation date , you can use a thermometer, test strip or ultrasound of the ovule.

3. Increase the alkalinity of the vagina

Sperm with the Y chromosome is often difficult to survive in acidic environments. Therefore, increase the alkalinity of the vagina to increase your chances of having a boy.

You can do this by changing your diet. Eat more foods containing sodium and potassium.

You should regularly monitor the pH of your vagina.

4. Keep your husband busy with comfortable underwear

Usually, clothes are a big influence on the sperm production ability.

If a man wears underwear that is too tight and uncomfortable, the sperm production rate will decrease and hinder fertility.

Therefore, let your husband wear loose and cool underwear.

5. Full nutritious diet

You should pay attention to your daily diet. Avoid foods that increase your body's acidity. If the acidity is high, sperm Y will not survive.

You should avoid eating spicy foods.

Avoid dairy foods like cheese, yogurt ...

Eat foods high in potassium such as potatoes, bananas, spinach, and broccoli.

6. Increase sperm count

The Shettles Method states that a man must have more sperm to have a better chance of having a son.

Your husband must limit smoking and alcohol consumption as this slows down sperm production.

Do not use drugs or cocaine because this interferes with the ability to conceive.

In addition, your husband should also avoid chemicals while having chemotherapy as this will cause infertility.

7. Drink coffee

13 baby boy pregnancy signs help you realize the gender of your baby



Encourage your husband to drink more coffee as this increases your chances of having a son.

Coffee provides additional "energy" for sperm Y to easily meet eggs.

12 foods to help you have a son

1. Banana

Bananas have a high percentage of potassium.

Potassium helps sperm Y to live longer and increases the likelihood of meeting eggs. Eat 2 bananas a day to increase your chances of having a son.

2. Eat cereal every morning

Y sperm needs a lot of nutrients to last longer in a woman's body.

Therefore, you must eat whole grains every day to increase your chances of having a son.

3. Mushrooms

Mushrooms contain vitamin D , which is an important factor in maintaining sperm health.

In addition, the mushroom also contains potassium that helps increase the ability to give birth to a boy.

4. Citrus fruits

13 baby boy pregnancy signs help you realize the gender of your baby



These fruits have high content of vitamin C to help strengthen the body's resistance .

In addition, these fruits also help create a favorable alkaline environment for Y sperm.

Some citrus fruits include lemons, oranges, tangerines, and grapefruit.

5. Starchy foods

Foods high in starch will help increase the likelihood of having a baby boy.

You should eat plenty of rice and potatoes every day to increase calories and maintain weight.

6. Seafood

Seafood contains a lot of zinc that speeds up sperm production.

Increased sperm count increases the likelihood of a son.

7. Salty dishes

Salt contains very high levels of sodium and potassium. Both minerals are very helpful if you want to have a son.

Eat a variety of savory dishes like sausages, pickles, and crackers. In addition, when eating fruit, you can also sprinkle a little salt.

However, after giving birth, you should eat less salt because salt will increase blood pressure.

8. Tomatoes

Tomatoes help balance sodium, potassium in the body as well as provide more vitamin C.

These will help maintain the pH of the vagina to increase your chances of having a boy.

9. Pickles

Pickles is a favorite food of many pregnant women. However, you should know that eating a lot of pickles also increases your chances of having a boy.

Pickles contain a very high amount of sodium and potassium. Therefore, increase a few servings of pickles each day to increase the likelihood of having a boy.

10. Fruits and Vegetables

13 baby boy pregnancy signs help you realize the gender of your baby



Fruits are a natural source of potassium, just like whole grains.

Eating lots of potassium-rich fruits like watermelon will help you conceive a baby boy.

Vegetables such as potatoes, spinach, beans and squash also increase the likelihood of having a son.

11. Pumpkin seeds

Pumpkin seeds contain many fatty acids like omega-3 and zinc.

Omega-3 supports the cardiovascular system and enhances blood circulation.

For men, eating more pumpkin seeds will increase blood circulation to the genitals, helping the reproductive system healthy.

For women, eating more pumpkin seeds will make the vaginal environment more suitable for Y sperm.

In addition, pumpkin seeds also contain a lot of zinc, which is an important factor to help you have a son.

12. Asparagus

Asparagus contains important minerals like vitamins D, B-12, C and potassium. These minerals are very supportive for Y sperm to last longer in a woman's body.

Getting plenty of potassium every day will help you increase your chances of having a son. Asparagus is an excellent source of potassium, so eat plenty of these.

In addition to asparagus, try to eat foods rich in potassium such as potatoes, apples, steak, bananas, and almonds.

5 compounds that increase the chances of pregnant boys

In addition to eating nutritious and potassium-rich foods, you should take some of the following supplements to increase your chances of having a son:

1. Anthocyanins

This is a compound commonly found in foods like purple cabbage, grapes, and eggplants. This compound acts as a natural antioxidant , helping to increase resistance. You should eat these vegetables raw or mixed with salads. Also, keep in mind that you should not overcook these as this will not work.

This compound will help make the vaginal environment alkaline so that Y sperm will last longer.

2. Ellagic Acid

This compound is commonly found in strawberries, pomegranates, and blueberries. Absorption of this acid increases the chances of a son.

This compound makes the vaginal environment alkaline, helping Y sperm last longer.

3. Blood

This is a natural herb commonly found in Asian countries. This is an herb that helps you cleanse your genitals .

In addition, this herb also helps improve the blood circulation of the body and ensures a full supply of nutrients to the reproductive organs.

Besides, it also makes the vaginal environment more alkaline to help Y sperm last longer in the vagina.

4. Folic acid

13 baby boy pregnancy signs help you realize the gender of your baby



This is essential for a healthy pregnancy and childbirth. Doctors often recommend taking folic acid supplements before and during pregnancy.

To get more folic acid , eat plenty of seafood, nuts, eggs, juices, and dairy products.

5. Arginine

This is a natural amino acid commonly found in nuts.

This amino acid is essential if you want to have a baby boy.

3 simple tips to determine the sex of the fetus

Here are 3 tips that can help you determine the sex of your baby:

1. Use a wedding ring

Hang the wedding ring on your stomach.

If it's a boy, the ring will move up and down or left and right, if it's a girl, the ring will rotate.

2. Magic key

Many parents believe that picking up a pregnant woman's keys will be the most accurate sign of her pregnancy in the first 3 months. Specifically, when the pregnant woman picks up the lock with the round head, the baby in their womb will be a boy. Conversely, if you pick up the key with the pointed tip, it's a girl.

3. Chinese fertility chart

The Chinese sex birth chart is believed to be more than 700 years old and was discovered in a royal tomb. This chart helps determine the sex of the fetus by comparing the mother's age and the month of conception. Many people have tried to probe with this chart and get accurate results. So if you want, you can also give it a try.

Having a baby boy is something couples want, especially when they have a sweet and lovable princess. If you are also trying to give birth to a baby boy, do not hesitate to try the above tips.


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