Pregnancy - Page 2

8 amazing benefits of music for pregnant women and their babies

8 amazing benefits of music for pregnant women and their babies

With these "angels" Child in the stomach, the pregnant woman's enjoyment of good music will be very good for your development!

5 things dad can help mom with during pregnancy

5 things dad can help mom with during pregnancy

Your partner may be “carrying heavy loads” and she will need a lot of support from her husband, so what should you do to help her?

Taking the pain reliever acetaminophen during pregnancy: good or bad?

Taking the pain reliever acetaminophen during pregnancy: good or bad?

Acetaminophen has antipyretic and analgesic effects. So, should I take the pain reliever acetaminophen during pregnancy? Please refer to the following article together!

Low progesterone can cause many problems during pregnancy!

Low progesterone can cause many problems during pregnancy!

What is Progesterone? Why is low progesterone dangerous to the fetus? How to limit this? Please find out!

What you dont know about heartburn during pregnancy

What you dont know about heartburn during pregnancy

Heartburn during pregnancy is an extremely common phenomenon, causing many difficulties in life for pregnant mothers. So what causes heartburn?

Learn about the uterus and changes during pregnancy

Learn about the uterus and changes during pregnancy

In addition to changes in size, what other changes does the uterus suffer from during pregnancy? Is a throbbing pain while sneezing unusual?

Itchy stomach during pregnancy: Causes and 6 tips to eliminate itching

Itchy stomach during pregnancy: Causes and 6 tips to eliminate itching

Itchy stomach during pregnancy is normal because the skin of the abdomen will have to stretch as your baby grows. But what if the pregnant mother is too uncomfortable?

How to treat a stuffy nose for pregnant women is simple but safe

How to treat a stuffy nose for pregnant women is simple but safe

The treatment of nasal congestion for pregnant women is not too complicated but it can still help pregnant mothers feel comfortable. breathing is a lot easier.

Milk for pregnant women: Which type is really good for the fetus?

Milk for pregnant women: Which type is really good for the fetus?

Milk for pregnant women is an indispensable nutritional drink during pregnancy. However, which type of milk is good for the fetus, suitable for pregnant mothers and how much milk should be consumed each day to keep mothers healthy and developing well is important.

Help pregnant mothers overcome discomfort caused by sore throat during pregnancy

Help pregnant mothers overcome discomfort caused by sore throat during pregnancy

Sore throats are quite common and can be easily overcome. However, if you get sore throats during pregnancy, you should take the medication with extreme caution.

Foods rich in vitamin K pregnant mothers cannot be ignored

Foods rich in vitamin K pregnant mothers cannot be ignored

Vitamin K is important for the health of both the pregnant mother and the fetus. Therefore, when pregnant, you should choose foods rich in vitamin K in your daily diet.

Using phone during pregnancy can harm the unborn baby?

Using phone during pregnancy can harm the unborn baby?

Even knowing the phone is an "inseparable" thing for many people, but is it good to use regularly, especially during pregnancy?

7 breathing methods during labor: Pregnant mothers need to grasp

7 breathing methods during labor: Pregnant mothers need to grasp

How to breathe during labor is very important because it partly helps you to reduce stress, anxiety, and at the same time reduce pain during childbirth.

Interesting facts about the size and shape of the pregnant belly

Interesting facts about the size and shape of the pregnant belly

The size and shape of a pregnant belly is different for each person. False rumors about this can cause anxiety and negatively affect your health.

Should pregnant women eat squid, how to eat safely for both mother and baby?

Should pregnant women eat squid, how to eat safely for both mother and baby?

Squid has high nutritional value, contains omega-3 fatty acids, protein and other essential nutrients, but should pregnant women eat squid or not?

7 most accurate ways to calculate gestational age and due date

7 most accurate ways to calculate gestational age and due date

Pregnant mothers can apply one of the 5 most accurate methods of calculating gestational age from aFamilyToday Health to know how many weeks old the baby is.

Husband does not want to have children, is concerned about who to confess

Husband does not want to have children, is concerned about who to confess

Does your husband want to have children when you really want your love to bear fruit in the presence of an angel? aFamilyToday Health will help you to solve the problem.

Is it safe to soak in a hot tub during pregnancy?

Is it safe to soak in a hot tub during pregnancy?

Soak in hot tubs when pregnant for too long, there are many risks that can happen to both mother and baby such as miscarriage, fetus with birth defects.

The danger lurks when having a natural baby

The danger lurks when having a natural baby

Natural childbirth is not a new medical concept and has been applied scientifically, unlike information currently circulating on social networks.

Pinworm infection during pregnancy: pregnant mothers should not be too worried

Pinworm infection during pregnancy: pregnant mothers should not be too worried

Pinworm infection during pregnancy, although not harmful to the fetus, should still know clearly information about the cause and prevention of this disease.

Eating liver during pregnancy should be careful not to harm the fetus

Eating liver during pregnancy should be careful not to harm the fetus

Liver is rich in iron, but eating too much liver during pregnancy leads to an excess of vitamin A, the fetus is likely to give birth to birth defects and parasitic infections if ingested with a dirty liver.

The uterus is small and its effects on pregnancy

The uterus is small and its effects on pregnancy

You heard that a small uterus is a form of uterine abnormality that makes it difficult to get pregnant, give birth, or even infertility, so you are very worried when you are diagnosed as a small uterus. In fact, depending on the degree of deformity, the person with a small uterus still has the same chance of getting pregnant and having a baby as any other normal woman.

Counting your babys kicks helps you get to know your baby better

Counting your babys kicks helps you get to know your baby better

Learning your baby's kicks will help you better understand your pregnancy. You can know if your baby is awake or sleeping, or even know if he likes to listen to rock music or not ...

7 things a couple should discuss before having a baby

7 things a couple should discuss before having a baby

Children are one of the big problems in family life. Therefore, you and your significant other should not neglect pre-baby conversations for a clear consensus.

12 foods that help lower blood pressure during pregnancy

12 foods that help lower blood pressure during pregnancy

Hypertension is a common symptom of pregnancy. There are many foods that help lower blood pressure that you should know to prevent this symptom like cucumbers, olive oil, potatoes and others.

The short cervix can cause pregnant mothers to give birth prematurely

The short cervix can cause pregnant mothers to give birth prematurely

Few people know that one of the reasons babies have to be born earlier than expected is the mother's short cervix.

Should aspirin during pregnancy?

Should aspirin during pregnancy?

When you have a headache or nausea, using pain relievers is the easiest solution that anyone can think of. Aspirin is one of the most popular pain relievers. However, if you want to take aspirin during pregnancy, you need to consider it carefully.

Why is a boy more painful than a girl?

Why is a boy more painful than a girl?

Every mother is happy to see that a little angel is born whether it is a boy or a girl. The pain of labor also became a sweet memory of meeting her. The degree of labor is related to the sex of the baby. This is the research result in Spain.

Lets go find an answer to the question of whether pregnant women can eat aloe vera

Lets go find an answer to the question of whether pregnant women can eat aloe vera

Aloe vera (aloe vera) has many uses for health and skin care. Aloe vera is also used as a beverage or a dish such as aloe vera stir-fried with beef, cooking tea ... The answer is to be careful.

Is using hair removal cream in pregnancy safe?

Is using hair removal cream in pregnancy safe?

The growth of hair and hair during pregnancy can be uncomfortable. To solve this problem, depilatory cream is the method most people think about. There are currently no studies showing that using depilatory cream during pregnancy will be dangerous for mother and baby but if you want to use it, you should still consider carefully.

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