Causes pregnant women uncomfortable fatigue during pregnancy

Many pregnant women will feel uncomfortable and tired during the first 3 months of pregnancy, but in fact, this situation can last until the last 3 months of pregnancy.

Fatigue discomfort during pregnancy is completely normal, a sensation occurring during the first trimester of pregnancy and in the third trimester . Some pregnant moms describe themselves as exhausted and always feeling deprived of vitality, and some pregnant women are lucky not to experience too much discomfort due to the relatively mild condition. But no matter how this process works, it's still an integral part of pregnancy.

Tired discomfort during the first 3 months of pregnancy

Hormonal changes are one of the reasons why you are tired during the first 3 months of pregnancy . Your body is producing more blood to bring nutrients to your baby. In addition, blood sugar and blood pressure readings are also getting lower. In addition, changes in hormones, especially progesterone, are the main reasons why pregnant women often feel sleepy.


In fact, whether this pregnancy is planned or not, the pregnant mother will also have worries about the health of the baby and experience new things of pregnancy. However, remember that your emotions play a part in the physical health of both mother and baby. The more optimistic and cheerful you are, the lighter your body will seem.

Tired discomfort during mid-3 months pregnancy

During the second trimester, the energy level will probably increase to make pregnant women no longer uncomfortable as before. Many women will take advantage of this time during pregnancy to increase exercise to improve their resistance. Even though fatigue will occasionally appear, the severity is not too severe.

Tired discomfort during the last 3 months of pregnancy

Causes pregnant women uncomfortable fatigue during pregnancy



Entering your third trimester, it's easy to get tired during pregnancy for the following reasons:

Swelling in limbs

Having difficulty in digestion

Suffering from restless leg syndrome in pregnant women

You are carrying a considerable amount of weight on your body and your baby is growing

You're struggling with insomnia during pregnancy because the little angel seems to become more active at night and often kicks your mother's womb when you want to rest.

In addition, pregnant mothers feel exhausted can also be caused by underlying causes, such as:





Musculoskeletal inflammation

Stress during pregnancy

Gestational diabetes

Chronic fatigue syndrome

An underactive thyroid (hypothyroidism)

Lack of vitamins needed during pregnancy , such as vitamin B complex

Diet does not meet the nutritional requirements for pregnant women .

In addition to fatigue, you also experience other symptoms, see immediate medical attention. Pregnant mothers can feel more energetic once the exhausting conditions are overcome or treated.

Treat and improve feelings of discomfort and fatigue

Getting a good night's sleep seems like a luxury in the meantime. However, to avoid exhaustion, pregnant mothers can refer to some suggestions below:

1. Reduce activity

Less activity will partly prevent fatigue during pregnancy. Pregnant mothers do not need to go out if they are not really needed, ask relatives to do heavy housework or look after their children.

2. Go to bed early

Causes pregnant women uncomfortable fatigue during pregnancy



Even if you cannot sleep immediately, pregnant mothers should still arrange activities so that you have the most time to relax in bed. During pregnancy, getting enough rest is very important for increasing the energy levels of the pregnant woman. Pregnant mothers should avoid drinking lots of water before going to bed because you risk waking up in the middle of the night to go to the toilet

Also, take advantage of a 15 - 20 minute nap at noon or tired times if you can't sleep the night before. Trying to work too hard only makes pregnant mothers quickly exhausted.

Finally, another note when sleeping for you is to change your sleeping position from lying on your back to lying on your side. Lying to the side will help pregnant mothers feel more comfortable and reduce pressure on the blood vessels that are nourishing the baby. A pillow placed under or under your pregnant belly can relieve low back pain during pregnancy .

3. Reasonable diet

During pregnancy, pregnant mothers need to increase the amount of calories absorbed each day to serve the process of nurturing the baby. However, this doesn't mean you have to eat too much at once, but should split the serving size into 5-6 meals. This is a practical measure to help pregnant mothers keep a stable energy level, limit the feeling of indifference caused by insufficient food intake.

A tip for you: Bring pregnant fruits and nuts such as walnuts for a snack during the day. Avoid consuming too much sugar or caffeinated beverages as they are easy to digest and make you feel hungry quickly.

If the fatigue during pregnancy comes from  anemia due to iron deficiency , pregnant mothers should add blood-supplementing foods for pregnant women to their daily diet or take additional iron supplements under the direction of the doctor. doctor.

4. Exercise regularly

Fatigue during pregnancy can make you more likely to be as limited as possible and exercise will be the last thing to think about. However, please encourage yourself as well as try to maintain the habit of being physically active every day because you will get many unexpected health benefits. When walking and breathing fresh air, endorphins are produced, which improves blood circulation, making energy levels abundant.

In addition, pregnant mothers exercise for at least 20-30 minutes, 3-4 times a week, also help to improve metabolism, positively affecting the task of protecting the baby in the abdomen.

5. Drink enough water

During pregnancy, your body needs plenty of fluids to retain water. While this may cause pregnant women to go to the toilet more, it is important that you drink enough filtered water or healthy drinks at this time.

Phuong Uyen / HELLOBACSI


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