raise children

8 reasons why children have yellow teeth

8 reasons why children have yellow teeth

Yellow, dull teeth can be caused by many things. Normally, your baby's teeth may be ivory-white, but if you see the baby's teeth turn yellow-brown or black, you should have your baby checked to determine the cause.

Baby refuses to breastfeed: Cause and remedy

Baby refuses to breastfeed: Cause and remedy

A baby that refuses to breastfeed can come from a variety of reasons and it will easily affect both mother and baby if it does not improve infant breastfeeding.

How to tell a story for a wonderful father

How to tell a story for a wonderful father

You want to tell your child many stories but don't know how? Keep things simple and follow aFamilyToday Health's way of telling baby stories.

3 surprising benefits of giving kids pocket money

3 surprising benefits of giving kids pocket money

Knowing how to spend money, appreciating value for money, and managing money are extremely important lessons that you should teach from an early age. And you can teach your kids these lessons by giving them pocket money.

Is using breastmilk stimulants safe for mothers and babies?

Is using breastmilk stimulants safe for mothers and babies?

Breastmilk stimulants are the solution that many mothers with young children seek. Although this drug has many benefits, it also has many potential risks.

Teach children how to deal with strangers

Teach children how to deal with strangers

aFamilyToday Health - Parents get tips in teaching your baby to deal with strangers is one way you can keep your baby safe and healthy.

See 4 reasons why you should let your child learn to meditate

See 4 reasons why you should let your child learn to meditate

Having your child learn to meditate will bring many benefits, especially in the mental aspect. Your baby will also sleep better and develop social interaction skills.

4 ways to help your child overcome nightmares: Have you tried it?

4 ways to help your child overcome nightmares: Have you tried it?

aFamilyToday Health - Let's find out why children have nightmares and learn 4 easy ways to help them overcome that bad thing.

Tell you about popular parenting strategies

Tell you about popular parenting strategies

Parenting children often cause many difficulties for parents. So how to raise a child is appropriate?

Revealing how to treat mosquito bites at home and prevention measures

Revealing how to treat mosquito bites at home and prevention measures

It can be quite normal for a baby to be bitten by a mosquito. On the other hand, you should still have measures to prevent mosquitoes to limit the fact that your baby has dengue fever.

10 common myths about childhood immunization

10 common myths about childhood immunization

aFamilyToday Health - Child vaccination is extremely important, but not all parents care due to the following common mistakes.

Spanking is never a good way to teach

Spanking is never a good way to teach

Child spanking can affect the spirit, even the physical, of young children. However, many parents still think this is the most effective way to teach their children.

Follow the 3-minute rule so that parents understand your child better

Follow the 3-minute rule so that parents understand your child better

The 3-minute rule is the minimum time a day parents should spend for their children to exchange information related to their child. Just 3 minutes a day won't take too much of your time. However, if you ignore this, you will ignore many interesting things about your child and build a wall between parents and children.

Babies and children have 4 skin types, do you know?

Babies and children have 4 skin types, do you know?

To take good care of the baby's skin, you need to understand your baby's skin types so that you can determine which skin type your baby has to take care of.

Tips to help you teach your child how to watch the clock and read the time quickly

Tips to help you teach your child how to watch the clock and read the time quickly

As your child grows up, your child will begin to learn about the world around them by observing and learning from their parents. It is during this period that parents should teach children how to watch the clock and read the time.

10 interesting characteristics to know when raising children in Bao Binh palace

10 interesting characteristics to know when raising children in Bao Binh palace

The basic characteristic of the angels of Bao Binh palace is intelligence, activeness, openness and a little mischief.

Children talking to your imagination, what should parents do?

Children talking to your imagination, what should parents do?

aFamilyToday Health- Some babies often show signs or talk idly by themselves, they are most likely meeting with their imaginary friend in their mind.

What to do to help your child become more independent in kindergarten?

What to do to help your child become more independent in kindergarten?

aFamilyToday Health - Over time, your baby will gradually understand that he is a small but separate individual. So what should parents do to help their children become more independent?

Answer questions how many months baby can sit?

Answer questions how many months baby can sit?

aFamilyToday Health - Sitting is one of the turning points that parents have been waiting for. Therefore, a child who can sit for several months is the question of most parents.

Over-indulging in children: The benefits are much less

Over-indulging in children: The benefits are much less

Many parents often have a habit of pampering their children and always respond to all requirements of the baby without thinking that this action will adversely affect the next day.

Teach your children to respect: easy but difficult

Teach your children to respect: easy but difficult

aFamilyToday Health - Teaching children to respect others is a seemingly simple thing, but when parents really start, it is difficult.

5 lessons to teach children to spend smart money from childhood

5 lessons to teach children to spend smart money from childhood

aFamilyToday Health - Teaching your kids to manage money is not easy, but with the following 5 simple lessons, you can still teach your kids to spend money wisely.

5 things mothers cannot ignore for safe crawling

5 things mothers cannot ignore for safe crawling

aFamilyToday Health - Parents should pay attention, care and find ways for babies to learn crawling safely and comfortably. The following tips will partly help you

Training your child to wear shoes is not too difficult

Training your child to wear shoes is not too difficult

Are you having trouble getting your child to wear shoes? However, this is necessary because wearing shoes protects your child's feet. If you want to make it easier for your children to wear shoes, do not miss the article of aFamilyToday Health.

10 interesting features in the childs personality of the Sagittarius

10 interesting features in the childs personality of the Sagittarius

Lust to learn, like freedom, extremely straightforward and very optimistic ... are the outstanding traits of this zodiac child.

Need to raise children with aries character like?

Need to raise children with aries character like?

Dynamic, enthusiastic, creative, highly independent and mixed with a little romance are the highlights of Aries' character.