how to teach children

10 ways to raise girls to become confident and brave

10 ways to raise girls to become confident and brave

The wrong parenting of a daughter can cause babies to lose confidence in their abilities. Be good parents by teaching your kids to recognize their own worth.

Positive punishment and things you should know

Positive punishment and things you should know

Positive punishment! Sounds a bit contradictory, right? Why is it aggressive punishment? Is this method of discipline effective?

Show off your skills to cook nutritious porridge for your baby very delicious

Show off your skills to cook nutritious porridge for your baby very delicious

The fact that you have to cook a few nutritious porridge every day for your child to change taste makes you spend a lot of time but not as delicious as commercial porridge. To cook a nutritious and delicious bowl of porridge for your baby, do not ignore the secrets of aFamilyToday Health.

12 ways to help you stay calm so you dont scold your kids

12 ways to help you stay calm so you dont scold your kids

No matter how calm a person is, can you manage your anger so that you don't scold your kids when they do something wrong?

3 important emotional development stages in young children

3 important emotional development stages in young children

The first year after birth is a time when babies develop their emotions very quickly. If you pay close attention, you will discover a lot of interesting things.

Do not neglect teaching your child electric safety principles

Do not neglect teaching your child electric safety principles

Teaching children electrical safety principles from an early age is the easiest way to ensure your child's safety from electrical appliances.

10 interesting characteristics to know when raising children in Bao Binh palace

10 interesting characteristics to know when raising children in Bao Binh palace

The basic characteristic of the angels of Bao Binh palace is intelligence, activeness, openness and a little mischief.

8 tips to teach children to make friends easily that parents should apply

8 tips to teach children to make friends easily that parents should apply

Making friends is an essential human life skill. However, this skill does not come naturally, but it needs parents to teach children how to make friends.