Complications of pregnancy

Pregnant women have difficulty breathing fast heart beat is normal?

Pregnant women have difficulty breathing fast heart beat is normal?

According to experts, pregnant women have difficulty breathing fast heartbeat is a normal phenomenon. Even, this is also a sign that the baby is developing healthy.

When can I get pregnant after a caesarean?

When can I get pregnant after a caesarean?

Pregnancy after cesarean section needs to be carefully considered and calculated. The reason is that your body needs time to recover as well as limit the risks for the next pregnancy.

10 benefits of smiling for pregnant women

10 benefits of smiling for pregnant women

According to experts, the benefits of smiles for the health of pregnant women are not only mental but also physical and health of the baby in the belly.

Is bleeding during pregnancy dangerous for pregnant mothers?

Is bleeding during pregnancy dangerous for pregnant mothers?

About 20% of pregnant mothers experience bleeding during pregnancy at some point in time. However, don't worry too much as there are women who have gone through this symptom and they still have a very normal, healthy pregnancy.

Is traveling by boat during pregnancy a good choice?

Is traveling by boat during pregnancy a good choice?

According to doctors, if there is a healthy pregnancy, pregnant women can completely travel by boat. However, there are a few small notes you should still know before you go.

Answering questions pregnant women in the morning shower is good or not

Answering questions pregnant women in the morning shower is good or not

During pregnancy, every activity must be done with care, even bathing should be noted. Morning baths are good or not, which shower gel should pregnant women use ... are quite common questions.

Do you know how to massage the episiotomy during pregnancy?

Do you know how to massage the episiotomy during pregnancy?

In addition to preventing the risk of episiotomy after birth, episiotomy massage also helps the pregnant woman recover quickly.

5 complications of pregnancy you can face during pregnancy

5 complications of pregnancy you can face during pregnancy

From conception to the time the baby is born, pregnant mothers can face a multitude of pregnancy complications that are at risk at any time.