Sausage is considered a snack to help pregnant mothers feel delicious. However, most sausages today are processed in industrial form, so there are many potential risks to the health of pregnant women.
Sausage is a snack that is present everywhere on the street or in restaurants. Sausage combined with the spicy taste of chili sauce will make it difficult for pregnant mothers to refuse. If pregnant mothers like this dish but do not want to affect their health and the fetus, the following article will provide mothers with many extremely useful information.
Is it safe to eat sausage during pregnancy?
Eating hot dogs during pregnancy will not harm if pregnant women eat well cooked and still hot. Sausages made from ground beef, pork, lamb or veal must be cooked at 71 ℃ and 74 ℃ for those made from chicken.
When preparing, remember to cook until no longer pink and watery. Although following the above instructions, pregnant mothers should still consider their own site to avoid allergies and consult a doctor when adding this dish to your diet.
Note when eating sausages
Homemade sausages are always safe, but for processed types, pregnant mothers can hardly avoid some health problems.
High in salt and fat content
Two pork sausages contain 170 calories and 150 grams of fat. High-calorie foods are the cause of weight gain, making it difficult for pregnant mothers to regain their physique after giving birth. While the daily requirement of salt for pregnant mothers is 6g, just two plants can meet half of them, not to mention other foods containing salt content in the diet.
This dish ranks third in the food group that contains a lot of salt. High salt content can cause pregnant mothers to suffer from diseases of the urinary tract and coronary arteries. It is also the agent for complex complications in both mother and fetus.
The bacteria in sausage can cause miscarriages, serious illnesses and premature births in pregnant women and premature death in babies. The fermented and dried types carry many bacteria that are potentially pathogenic.
This dish contains a large amount of spicy spices that are responsible for heartburn, especially in the last trimester when the uterus expands to let the baby come out and squeeze the womb. This change causes acidic gastric juices to back up into the esophagus.
Although it does not harm the fetus, the sour taste will make pregnant mothers feel uncomfortable. To avoid heartburn, pregnant mothers can drink a glass of milk after eating hot dogs!
Benefits of eating sausages
Processed sausages also have a few benefits such as:
Contains 9 amino acids and is rich in protein to help maintain muscle health;
Rich in vitamin B12 needed for the metabolism and synthesis of fats and proteins of the body;
In addition, sausages also provide essential zinc for pregnant women to help maintain hemoglobin levels and prevent anemia.
However, pregnant mothers need to remember that the above benefits are also from other foods that are much healthier than sausages. This means moms should not consider this a healthy food.
Tips for eating sausage properly
The appetite during pregnancy is what makes pregnant mothers get rid of all reasons to satisfy cravings, but the subsequent consequences will make pregnant mothers regret too indulging themselves. Here are some tips to help pregnant mothers eat sausages without fear of consequences:
Eat only hot sausages;
Absolutely do not eat red sausage;
If you do not eat it all, you can store the sausage in the refrigerator and eat it within two days, when eating, remember to heat it up again;
Raw meat should not be shared with cooked foods and make sure the juices do not stick to other foods;
Check both the raw sausage and the ready-made packaging;
Choose low-salt and low-spicy sausages.
Sausage is a delicious, attractive, less harmful dish when pregnant mothers know how to use it properly, but it can also cause pregnant mothers to receive many serious consequences without paying attention to some of the above principles. Pregnant mothers can refer to the above sharing if this is their favorite dish.