Looking for answers on how long to end the pregnancy can get pregnant again

Many people, after having had to terminate their pregnancy for some reason, often wonder about how long after the abortion will get pregnant again. 

Termination of pregnancy, which we often call an abortion, is the removal of fetal tissue, parts of the fetus or the fetus and the placenta from the uterus. The termination of pregnancy can be done with medicine or surgery. In this article, aFamilyToday Health answers to help you wonder how long it takes to terminate the pregnancy, invite you to find out.

In what cases is the termination of pregnancy?

The termination of pregnancy will be performed in the following cases:


Unplanned pregnant

Pregnancy due to rape or incest

Fetus has birth defects , genetic problems that seriously affect health and perception if born.

The mother's health is too weak, the pregnancy seriously affects the mother's health, so it is forced to terminate the pregnancy for treatment.

How long after terminating a pregnancy can become pregnant?

Looking for answers on how long to end the pregnancy can get pregnant again



After performing the procedure to terminate the pregnancy, how long can the pregnancy return or abort the pregnancy is a common question of many women.

According to many obstetricians, the implementation of obstetric measures aimed at terminating pregnancy only causes certain impacts on the health and psychology of women and has no effect on contraception. On the other hand, if done properly, at reputable specialized medical facilities, the termination of pregnancy usually does not affect fertility and ovulation process . This means that after a suspension of pregnancy you are able to conceive about 7–10 days later.

Ovulation is a natural phenomenon in the body that occurs during each menstrual cycle. So as soon as your period begins to normalize again, you are fully able to conceive. Therefore, during this time, if you have sex but do not use any contraception  , you can completely conceive.

According to health experts, conceiving immediately after the termination of a pregnancy is not recommended as your body and reproductive organs need time to recover. If you terminate your pregnancy with a suction or curettage procedure and curettage , your doctor will advise you to wait at least a month before thinking about getting pregnant again. Also, if you terminate your pregnancy during your second or third trimester pregnancy, you should wait longer for your uterus and body to have enough time to recover.

So, to ensure the health and the best preparation, after suspending the pregnancy, you should apply contraception, wait at least 3 months before you should conceive again. This also helps to ensure the safety of you and your baby throughout your pregnancy.

In addition, experts gynecology also recommended that before intended pregnancy back, you should go to hospital for gynecology for examination and screening of risk factors that can lead to miscarriage , miscarriage , birth defects…

People who have terminated the pregnancy will have difficulty conceiving, even infertility?

Looking for answers on how long to end the pregnancy can get pregnant again



The fact is that obstetricians do not have enough evidence to prove that having had abortions , abortion many times, hindering the problem of conception. If you are planning to get pregnant after the termination of your pregnancy, in good health, and your uterus is restored, nothing to worry about.

The pregnancy after the termination of pregnancy requires specific plans: psychological preparation, health, the best time to become pregnant.

Difficulty conception, even infertility, occurring in people who have terminated the pregnancy can be due to the following reasons:

Fetal tissue omission, placenta ... increases the risk of infection, scarring, complications leading to difficulty conceiving.

In some cases, improper dilating and curettage of the cervix leads to a high risk of damage to the uterus and cervix.

Pelvic inflammatory disease (PID) is a potentially serious infection that occurs after a surgical termination of pregnancy. If not treated in time, it can cause obstruction of the fallopian tubes, increasing the risk of ectopic pregnancy .

Dilation and curettage of the uterus can increase the risk of scars forming inside the uterus or on the cervix. If the scar is large, it can cause difficulty conceiving, miscarriage because it interferes with the ability of the fertilized egg to nest. This condition is called “ Asherman syndrome ” by obstetricians .

Things to keep in mind if you want to become pregnant after termination of pregnancy

If you are trying to get pregnant again after ending your pregnancy, here are some tips to take:

Conduct a gynecological examination and talk with your doctor for a comprehensive examination of the reproductive organs and a physical and mental assessment to prepare for pregnancy.

If you decide to get pregnant again, you need to be well prepared to deal with the change in hormone levels during pregnancy, health problems during pregnancy.

Keep track of your ovulation date and stay active during this period. Buy an ovulation test strip or download an ovulation tracking app on your smartphone to use it.

After intercourse, you should raise your legs and hips by placing a pillow under your buttocks to help the sperm reach the egg more easily and quickly.

If your cervix is ​​weakened, after conception, you may need to undergo cervical stitching to keep your developing baby safe.

Your doctor can instruct you to do pelvic floor strengthening exercises like Kegels.

Consider fertility treatments if you can't conceive on your own after a long effort. Ask an obstetrician for advice on suitable fertility strategies such as artificial insemination or in vitro fertilization .

If you are not ready to become pregnant, consult your doctor to make sure you use contraception effectively.

Pregnancy after termination of pregnancy: What do pregnant mothers need to know?

Here are some tips on how to get pregnant safely after ending your pregnancy:

Adhere to the full schedule of routine pregnancy check-ups .

Eat a healthy and nutritious diet.

Maintain a healthy lifestyle and do not smoke (including passive smoking), consume alcoholic beverages, and minimize caffeine intake.

Regular, moderate physical activity helps you stay in good health, for a healthy pregnancy .

Hello Bacssi hopes that with the information shared in the article, you have the answer to the question how long after the termination of the pregnancy, how long can the pregnancy be pregnant or abort the pregnancy? How to get back to a safe, healthy pregnancy.



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