Not all paints affect the fetus. Some paints contain ingredients that you should not be exposed to while pregnant. In general, paints contain colorants or dyes in liquid form, accompanied by thinner, solvent and drying agents. Paint pigments can contain metals such as lead, copper and aluminum. These substances can harm a pregnant woman to a certain extent.
Latex paint (or acrylic)
This is the most common paint. Latex paint does not contain solvents, can be removed with soap and water. Latex paint is said to be safe to use or come into contact with if you are pregnant, as long as the area to which the paint is applied is clear. If the paint makes you tired, get outside to get some air and ask someone else to help you get the job done.
Paint contains oil solvents
Solvent-based paint contains solvents and requires turpentine or white gasoline to remove the paint.
A few studies have shown that exposure to these solvents can increase the risk of miscarriage, and can cause fetal malformations or cognitive problems - so use or exposure, or go up to it if you are pregnant.
It is not dangerous if you inhale the smell of paint, provided you are in well-ventilated area. If you inhale and do not feel tired, the paint fumes are not a threat to the fetus.
If you came into contact with or applied the paint before you realized you were pregnant, don't worry as the risk of your baby being affected is still minimal. If you must be exposed to oil based paint on a daily basis, follow these guidelines:
Reduced contact time with paint. It is not known how much time is safe to expose to paint, you need to make a self-assessment. Whenever you feel tired, go outside immediately, and breathe the air outside until it feels better;
Always keep windows open to avoid inhalation of paint vapors, you can wear a mask or use a blower to limit vapors;
Wear gloves, pants, and long sleeves to protect your skin if you are painted;
Don't eat or drink right where you work.
In general, you should avoid contact with oil, lead and mercury paint, all of which can be found in old paints that you can strip from the surface. You should also avoid certain other substances that contain solvents, such as paint remover lice. Even if you only paint a small room or an object for your child, be extra careful. Work in a well-ventilated area to minimize inhalation, wear protective clothing and gloves. Do not eat or drink in the area where you are painting. Also, take extra care if you use the ladder. Because reshaping you can lose your sense of balance.