Food cravings during pregnancy how to control pregnancy well?

Pregnancy cravings during pregnancy are normal during pregnancy. You may crave savory, sweet, something you don't like, and even exotic foods.

About 84% of pregnant women in the world experience cravings. So what makes you crave such a "crazy" dish? Appetite is a sign of a deficiency of a certain substance. This means that if your body lacks a nutrient, your body will crave food containing that substance, just as grandparents often say "you can eat something".

Besides, hormonal changes are also considered to be the main culprits causing this condition. Hormones estrogen and progesterone affect the brain, producing intense cravings. In addition, the hormone changes also cause a woman's taste to increase, leading to cravings.


So is the appetite during pregnancy good for pregnant mothers ? This is completely normal. You only need to eat foods that are good for your body to provide the nutrients needed for your baby's development.

When do cravings usually appear?

Food cravings during pregnancy how to control pregnancy well?



Most pregnant women will start to have a stronger appetite in the first trimester, get stronger in the second trimester, and then gradually decrease in the late stages of pregnancy. Sometimes, the cravings continue to appear after the baby is born. You will even continue to eat these bizarre foods for the rest of your life.

How long do cravings usually last?

Some people get this feeling during pregnancy, while others only show up for a certain period of time. Sometimes, you just crave for a day, a week or a month. This depends on the individual body.

How to control appetite during pregnancy?

Food cravings during pregnancy how to control pregnancy well?



The following tips will help you control cravings for unhealthy pregnancy foods.

1. Don't skip breakfast

Starting your day with a nutritious meal will help your body to have enough energy and not feel hungry afterward.

2. Split up meals

Don't wait until you are hungry to eat. Schedule small meals throughout the day so that you won't be interested in junk food anymore. You should eat about 4-6 small meals a day.

3. Exercise regularly

Physical activity during pregnancy will help mothers have a comfortable mood and control their own hormone levels. This is also one way to control appetite.

4. Control your portion sizes

If you can't fight cravings, control your portion sizes. Eat only a few small pieces instead of a full bowl. If you crave chocolate, have a few.

5. Choose snacks that are good for your body

Choose snacks that are good for your body and keep it with you. If you are hungry, take it out. The dishes that you can prepare are nuts, fruits and some other nutritious dishes.

6. Do not leave junk food at home

The best way to stay away from unhealthy junk food (which is high in salt or sugar) is to keep it out of your reach. You will not be able to eat them if they are not available in the refrigerator.

Learn more:  7 good but easy to find snacks for pregnant mothers

7. Find new recipes

Food cravings during pregnancy how to control pregnancy well?



Make this dish more delicious and enjoyable by trying some new recipes. When you enjoy the dishes that you cook by yourself, you will feel better.

8. Choose healthy foods

Replace bad foods with nutritious foods. If you crave cakes, eat fruit. If you have a craving for a drink, go for juice. You can also choose dark chocolate over milk chocolate.

9. Add some essential fatty acids

Flax oil or fish oil add a lot of good fatty acids for the body, help reduce the appetite of mothers during pregnancy.

10. Ignore it

This is the best way to cope with cravings. Indulging in body cravings can sometimes do bad things for both you and your baby.

Types of foods pregnant mothers will crave during pregnancy

Food cravings during pregnancy how to control pregnancy well?



Salty foods: Some salty foods you can crave during pregnancy: French fries, popcorn, sauces, salted chicken mixed with vegetables ...

Cravings for sweetness: Chocolate, ice cream, candies and cakes are what pregnant women often love.

Spicy and hot foods: Spicy cravings are not as popular as the cravings for sweet and savory. Mom will often crave spicy foods like red chili, curry ...

Combining many strange dishes together: Many pregnant women have a hobby of combining dishes that are not well suited to each other but feel delicious, such as combining tuna with banana, fried egg with silver sauce. ha ...

Citric acid-rich foods: Craving for citric acid-rich foods may be an indication of low stomach acidity. These acids help the body to digest better. Some citric acid foods that pregnant women may crave are pickles, lemons, and vinegar ...

Non-food cravings: Many women crave non-food foods such as clay, stone, lime, mortar, chalk… This condition is called Pica syndrome. If you have this weird hobby, you need to see your doctor immediately for advice. ( 1 ) ( 2 ) ( 3 )

Cravings for unhealthy foods: You may crave unhealthy foods like coffee, alcohol, chips , fast food ...

Healthy foods: If you are lucky, you will crave foods that are good for your body. You will love to eat: fruits , vegetables, seafood (crab, fish), ...

Eating strange or unhealthy foods for mothers can affect the later development of the fetus. Remember, what you eat affects your baby. Therefore, choose nutritious foods that provide many nutrients to the body instead of bad foods.

aFamilyToday Health  does not offer medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.


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