Back pain after cesarean section: The culprit and how to alleviate the discomfort

Back pain after cesarean section is an uncomfortable feeling because you will suffer the pain while taking care of the little angel with a lot of work.

Most doctors will prescribe a caesarean section in the event of a pregnant woman having health problems or if the fetus is in an unfavorable position or other problems. After a caesarean, in addition to dealing with wound pain, you may also experience back pain. So what causes you back pain after cesarean section and how to alleviate this feeling? If you have the same questions above, let's find out with aFamilyToday Health through the following article.

The cause of back pain after cesarean section

To help you relieve pain during a caesarean section, doctors often prescribe an anesthetic to the sclera. This anesthetic procedure causes the spinal cord and surrounding muscles to suffer certain damage.


Another reason for your back pain after caesarean section is leaking cerebrospinal fluid during the anesthesia. This will cause headaches and neck pain, especially while sitting or standing. These feelings will lessen somewhat if you lie down to rest.

When does cesarean back pain start?

Back pain after cesarean section: The culprit and how to alleviate the discomfort



For cesarean delivery, back pain caused by spinal anesthesia begins to appear after 3 - 6 hours after you complete the surgery, then the drug will gradually lose its original effect. Headaches and neck pain from leaking cerebrospinal fluid usually start as early as 12 hours after birth or even 3-4 days after your baby is born.

How long does back pain after cesarean section last?

If the spinal anesthesia is performed correctly, the back pain should go away after a few days and usually last no more than a week. In rare cases, back pain tends to persist for weeks, even up to a month. The main reason for this is that the nerves of the spinal region are damaged by the penetration of the needle.

Headaches and neck pain can sometimes be so uncomfortable that you can't bear it. In such cases, doctors often think of performing an epidural patch procedure with autologous blood. This is a procedure that takes the mother's own blood, then injects blood into the area where the anesthetic is injected. This will be effective almost immediately.

In what area does back pain appear?

The injected anesthetic will be placed in the lower back area of ​​the woman, mainly around the area with the first vertebra (L1 vertebrae) in the lumbar region. This is also the reason why back pain can be felt so strong and intense after the drug has finished working. You will feel headaches and neck pain from the most obvious leakage from the head down to the vertebrae.

How to reduce back pain after cesarean section

Back pain after cesarean section: The culprit and how to alleviate the discomfort



If your back pain develops early and is accompanied by severe headaches and neck pain after a cesarean section, you should use natural pain relief methods. The reason is that at this time, the use of pain relievers is not necessarily a safe option, especially for women who are breastfeeding their babies.

Natural pain relief methods you can use include:

Take a hot bath

There's nothing better than relaxing with hot water. This habit also provides effective relief of back pain after cesarean section. If you have a bath, you can add a pinch of salt and soak in it. Salt has been shown to help relieve back pain, aid in wound recovery, relax muscles as well as beauty.

Do light exercise

Back pain after cesarean section is also exacerbated by the great physical changes your body goes through before and after passing. But if you exercise with a few gentle exercises, your body will be healthy again and pain improved. Types of exercise you can practice include:

Simple yoga or breathing exercise: The right movements will help relax the body

Walk: As soon as your doctor “turns on the green light”, start walking and make it a daily routine. This action will help increase blood circulation in the affected area, alleviate the discomfort.

Pilates: This type of movement is highly recommended for postpartum back pain as the movements are directed against the abdominal and back muscles. However, you should only exercise with the consent of your doctor because certain exercises can cause your stitches to break, leading to more serious complications.

In addition, you can also learn about the following postpartum diets to get better faster.

Sleep properly

Your back can recover from the birthing more quickly with the right support. Make sure the mattress you are lying on is of sufficient stiffness, is flat and not too soft. Alternatively, using a backrest pillow or a cushioned chair while breastfeeding can also help.

Apply hot and cold compresses

Alternating heat and cold compresses will help relax the muscles and increase blood circulation in the sore back area. All you need is an ice pack and a hot pack.

Appropriate diet

Postpartum nutrition is also important for improving back pain after cesarean section. You can prioritize anti-inflammatory and vitamin C foods, like berries, kale, and broccoli. Vitamin C aids in the production of collagen, a protein that helps with tissue repair. Foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids like nuts do the same thing. In addition, you should limit red meat, preferring chicken and salmon because they contain amino acids, which are the building blocks of proteins that help build tissue.

Back pain after cesarean section can sometimes become quite uncomfortable, making you unable to focus on taking care of the little angel and resting comfortably. Therefore, try to apply the methods suggested above to completely deal with back pain after cesarean section and enjoy your time as a full mother.

Phuong Uyen / aFamilyToday Health


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