The fetal cognitive journey inside the womb

The fetal cognitive journey inside the womb

In the womb, fetus develops not only physically but also mentally and senses. To know more, please see the article of aFamilyToday Health. 

In the late stages of pregnancy, your baby's brain starts to work. At this point, it is too fictitious that infants can think. But recently, many studies have shown that the fetus is able to begin responding to stimuli from within as well as externally and because the brain does this.

Your baby knows how you feel?

You are the one who knows your baby best because you got to know the little angel before the baby was born. You know what each kick in your baby's tummy means. And of course, the baby will also get to know the mother best. The baby can hear and feel the mother's mood.


The taste of amniotic fluid depends on your condition and mood. When your baby is in the amniotic fluid in the womb, he will feel the change. Number of taste buds of children are more than that of adults. In addition, taste buds also cover the baby's oral cavity. That makes me a tasting expert.

Research has shown that if you are stressed, the taste of the amniotic fluid changes. These small changes are not easy to know. However, when you speak, your baby will pay full attention to you, he feels his full emotion through tasting. These strong emotions help your baby understand what you are saying, and also help your baby learn to speak after birth.

Besides tasting, the baby also listens to the mother's mood. Your baby's mood is determined by your mood. Your baby will know your mood when you show it off. Your baby does this by listening to the melody, the pitch change in your voice.

Your voice shows how you feel as you speak. Words do not show that because they cannot hear these things. Heart rate also reveals mood. Your baby will listen to your heart reacting to certain situations. Your heart will beat fast, slow when you are happy, scared or sad. Your baby will hear and sympathize with you.

Your baby also reads emotions through your breath. You can breathe lightly, breathe quickly, sigh… All convey a certain message.

Memories in the womb

In the womb stage, the baby is still able to remember although the baby himself does not know this. When researchers gave the baby the same song while still in the womb, the baby all responded the same. This shows that the baby has begun to recognize music . Your baby will begin to respond to sounds that he or she hears but has not yet recognized specific sounds.

Therefore, the baby needs time to develop. And this development takes place between week 30 and week 36 . This is not growth of the ear, but development of the brain.

In the womb, the baby goes through many things but very different

Although babies can hear, taste, feel and remember while in the womb, they will do this in a very different way than adults do. This is because the baby's brain is not functioning properly as an adult. You can smell the perfume of the person sitting next to you but can't hear it and taste it. A newborn child still cannot do this. Your baby's feelings have not yet clearly formed. Therefore, when the signals pass through your baby's senses, the baby will experience it in its entirety.

With each development of the nervous system, your baby will feel the world more than the adult feels. Children will learn the differences between the signals of the senses and learn to recognize themselves.


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