Should pregnant women eat squid, how to eat safely for both mother and baby?

Should pregnant women eat squid, how to eat safely for both mother and baby?

Squid is the favorite seafood dish of many people. However, there are still cases when expressed concern about whether pregnant women should eat squid and how to eat so as not to harm the health and baby.

From the moment you discovered that your baby is growing every day in the abdomen, you have to start paying more attention to surrounding issues such as what to eat during pregnancy , how to walk, how to sleep. How ... Even, because of the baby, many pregnant mothers have to ignore their favorite foods, especially seafood dishes like squid. If you are not sure whether pregnant women eat squid or how to consume this dish to not affect pregnancy, let's find out through aFamilyToday Health through the following article.

Answering the question of whether pregnant women should eat squid or not

Squid is a seafood with high nutritional value and is a source of omega-3 fatty acids , proteins and other essential nutrients. Most seafood contains a certain amount of mercury and squid is no exception. However, the question is that the mercury content in the squid affects pregnant mothers and babies?


Mercury can adversely affect the nervous system of the fetus. Therefore, you should stay away from seafood such as tuna, swordfish and mackerel as they are often high in mercury. Should pregnant women eat squid?

In fact, squid is considered one of the safe seafood to eat during pregnancy because of its low mercury content and high nutritional value. However, pregnant mothers should note that they should not eat more than 150g squid per week.

Discover the nutritional values ​​of squid

In fact, pregnant women should still add this dish to the menu because the nutritional ingredients in 100g squid include:

Copper (1.8mg): Helps in the production of hemoglobin, keeps blood vessels, bones and nervous system healthy.

Selenium (44mcg):  Regulates thyroid hormones, prevents oxidative stress.

Protein (15g) : Supports the building of tissues in the baby's body, boosts the immune system .

Phosphorus (213mg): Helps baby's teeth and bones to be strong, helps form genetic materials, enzymes and cell membranes, and release energy during metabolism.

Vitamin B2 (0.389mg):  Beneficial for metabolism.

Vitamin B12 (1.05mcg):  Helps form red blood cells, genetic material and central nervous system, regulates fat and protein metabolism.

Zinc (1.48mg):  Play a role in the production of enzymes and insulin in the fetal body.

Vitamin C (3.6mg):  Develops immune system.

Iron (0.86 mg): Formes red blood cells, increases the concentration of hemoglobin and increases the amount of blood flowing through the uterus.

Tell pregnant mothers how to safely eat squid during pregnancy

So you know whether pregnant women can eat squid. Here are some guidelines pregnant mothers should refer to to ensure safety when eating squid:

Absolutely not eat raw squid due to the very high risk of infection.

Do not eat fried / fried squid: The process of frying / frying can reduce the nutritional value of the dish and give the body some unhealthy saturated fat , which can easily make you gain weight.

Pregnant mothers should prepare squid by steaming or stir-frying to retain all the nutrients and help you digest more easily.

You can prepare squid with vegetables, roots and some other ingredients to make the dish more delicious.

Wash off toner, remove skin and cook well.

Check the shelf life, freshness of products and food safety before buying.

If you have a history of allergy to squid, stay away from them during pregnancy and lactation. Pregnant women eat about 150g squid per week is considered safe and beneficial for the development of the fetus .


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