Week 9
Many pregnant mothers wonder how their 9-week-old fetus has developed. So let's explore with aFamilyToday Health now!
According to the American Association of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, pregnant women should not drink any alcohol. Drinking alcohol during pregnancy is a major cause of birth defects in children. In addition, drinking alcohol during pregnancy affects the child's brain and behavior in the future. However, pregnant mothers can completely prevent 100% of the effects on the baby.
Most children are born affected if the mother uses too much alcohol or drugs. When the amount of alcohol introduced into the mother's body is too much, this compound becomes a poison and affects the fetus while it is growing inside the uterus. A small amount of alcohol can cause lasting damage in a young child. Drinking alcohol during pregnancy can affect serious problems in children and teenagers.
Alcohol is the cause of restricting the development of babies, babies often have abnormal facial features. In addition, the baby often suffers from brain irritation and neurological disorders, mental retardation and other complex problems. When they go to school, they may have some learning-related problems such as dyslexia or difficulty with social communication.
As your child gets older, in addition to learning problems, he or she may experience depression , anxiety and inappropriate sexual behavior.
Alcohol-related pregnancy failure syndrome (SFA) is a collection of symptoms caused by drinking alcohol while you are pregnant. A child diagnosed with alcohol-induced fetal insufficiency syndrome when the mother drank alcohol before giving birth, often suffered from facial defects, developmental delay, brain effects and neurological problems.
If parents find that their child is at risk for Alcohol-based Abortion Syndrome, it's best to take your baby to the pediatrician for careful consideration. However, the cause of pregnant women drinking alcohol is often ignored when discussing children's health issues. The effects of alcohol on the developing fetal brain during pregnancy are irreversible. However, medicine has intervened early to reduce the severity of the disability and improve the child's chances of success. Early interventions for the above syndrome include therapy, special education, and speech therapy.
If pregnant mothers cannot stop drinking alcohol, see an obstetrician for effective alcohol withdrawal support. You should stop drinking as soon as possible. In addition, you should apply available treatment programs or inpatient treatment, outpatient treatment and home treatment. Since a lovely baby is about to be born, surely no mother wants her to be in a bad risk just because she uses alcohol.
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