Pinworm infection during pregnancy: pregnant mothers should not be too worried

Pinworm infection during pregnancy: pregnant mothers should not be too worried

Although pinworm infection during pregnancy does not harm the unborn baby, you should still know well information about the cause and prevention of this disease.

Do you often get itchy around the vagina? This often occurs at night and prevents you from sleeping well. Are you sometimes afraid that this is affecting your baby? To alleviate this concern, let's learn about pinworm infection during pregnancy.


Pinworms are a parasitic worm that normally lives in the large intestine. When you sleep, the female worms move from the anus to the vaginal area to lay eggs, causing itching.


Causes of pinworm infection during pregnancy

Poor personal hygiene is one of the main reasons causing pinworm infections. This happens when an infected person scratches their genitals and refuses to wash their hands. If you share the following items with someone who is sick, you are at increased risk of getting sick:

Bed sheet





Symptoms of pinworm infection

Here are some of the common symptoms of pinworm infection during pregnancy:

Itching in the vaginal area, especially severe at night

Appearance of pinworms in feces

I can't sleep



Not good

Lost weight.

Treatment of pinworm infections during pregnancy

Doctors recommend pyrantel pamoate , mebendazole and albendazole to treat pinworm infections during pregnancy. All three drugs require two doses. The second dose is taken 2 weeks after the first dose. The second dose has the effect of limiting the return of these worms. Encourage all family members to take anthelmintic medicine to avoid getting infected again. These drugs are safe for pregnant women. However, it is best to ask your doctor before starting pinworm treatment during pregnancy.

Pinworm infection during pregnancy affect the fetus?

Pinworm infection is not harmful to the unborn baby. Doctors will recommend avoiding medications and careful hygiene. Only in the worst of situations should the drug be taken. In addition, pregnant mothers can take the following methods to prevent:

Keep clean by washing bed linens, towels and napkins regularly

Cut your nails regularly

Wash your hands several times a day

Keep the anal area clean

Avoid using public bathrooms

Avoid scratching the anal area

Wash clothes in hot water

Wear underwear that fits and change at least twice a day

Avoid eating in the bedroom

Keep your toothbrush in a sealed cabinet and clean it before use

Vacuum regularly, especially the bedroom.

Pinworms will die after six weeks. However, if this doesn't happen, your doctor may prescribe medication for you. Pinworm treatment can kill adult cells but not the parasite's eggs. Therefore, you should keep careful hygiene.


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