Natural safe contraceptive for women

Since ancient times, her grandparents have used safe natural herbal contraception to ensure safety for their health.

The following herbal effective contraception will help a lot if you are really not ready to be a mother yet. They are completely natural and cause little harm to the user.

1. Wild carrot seeds

Natural safe contraceptive for women




Carrot seeds are a safe natural way of contraception. When using it, you can choose from the following:

Chew wild carrot seeds;

Crush the seeds and squeeze 1 teaspoon of water to drink

Use each time 1 day, continuously for a few days, and remember to drink with plenty of water.

2. Thistle

Natural safe contraceptive for women



Thistle is a popular herb in India that can cause temporary infertility. You use thistle for contraception as follows:

Just add this plant to boil water until the water tastes bitter;

Strain the water and drink the bitter taste.

3. Water plant

Natural safe contraceptive for women



This is a safe natural way of contraception because it contains rutin , quercetin and gallic acid - substances that interfere with conception and increase menstruation.

Usage: Take 4 cups of water and boil, then add 114g of leaves. Drink it until the start of a new menstrual cycle.

4. Melaleuca tree

Natural safe contraceptive for women



This plant contains substances that prevent early pregnancy such as philocarpine and rutin.

How to use:

Take two teaspoons of the thyme tree mixed with boiling water;

Leave the mixture for a while until it's warm, then drink;

Drink 2−3 times a day.

5. Ginger

Natural safe contraception is indispensable for ginger tea because ginger has the effect of increasing menstruation. You just wash ginger and grated, put in a cup of boiling water for 5 minutes, then let it cool, and you have a cup of ginger tea as you like.

6. Buckwheat

Natural safe contraceptive for women



Buckwheat also contains rutin, thus preventing pregnancy.

Just take 500g per day is enough;

In particular, this herb has no side effects for the user.

7. The tree

Natural safe contraceptive for women



Aquarius is a spicy herb native to Iran. Using this juice every month will have a contraceptive effect.

8. The spleen

Natural safe contraceptive for women



Eat this root for at least 1 to 2 months to have a contraceptive effect.

Eating every day continuously for at least 1 to 2 months will help prevent pregnancy;

Note, do not stop the day, because it will reduce efficiency.

9. Cinnamon

Natural safe contraceptive for women



Cinnamon is not as effective as other safe natural contraception and only works when used for a long time. Cinnamon helps prevent pregnancy by stimulating the uterus, causing a spontaneous miscarriage. You should consult your doctor before use.

10. Vitamin C

In addition to skin beauty , when in its pure form, vitamin C is used as an effective contraceptive. The presence of ascorbic acid in vitaomin C affects progesterone levels in preparation for pregnancy.

Usage: Take a dose of 1,500 mg divided into 2 times per day, drink continuously for 2−3 days after sex without using a condom. Vitamin C is also good for the skin.

11. Parsley plant

Natural safe contraceptive for women



Topping the list is parsley. This herb is known as a safe natural contraceptive with many advantages:

Easy to find, easy to use, preferably in the form of drinking water;

In particular, does not cause side effects for the user.

12. Cotton roots

Cotton roots stimulate the production of  oxytocin and should be considered a safe natural contraceptive. You can use it  by drying the roots, cutting it into small pieces, brewing it in hot water or brewing it with tea, and drinking it twice daily.

13. Bach Chi Tree (dong quai)

Natural safe contraceptive for women



This herb ends pregnancy by stimulating menstruation and promoting uterine contractions. White is usually only used in the form of a decoction or capsules.


Women who have heavy periods should not use this herb;

It is not recommended for women with a history of cancer,  diabetes  and heart attack.

14. Wormwood

Natural safe contraceptive for women



This is a plant with leaves similar to parsley. Follow this herbal safe natural contraception:

Bring to dry, mixed with 1 cup of drinking water every day will have the effect of contraception;

If overdose can cause  kidney failure . So stop or limit its use if you have kidney problems.

15. Pungent mint

Natural safe contraceptive for women



This herb has the effect of promoting menstruation, bleeding more and causing natural miscarriage, so it is often prescribed with other herbs to prevent pregnancy. You only need to boil about 240 g, add a teaspoon of honey and let it cool for 10 minutes, then shake well the mixture and drink it after sex without using a condom.


Consult a doctor before use as it may damage the liver, kidneys and nervous system;

Do not drink more than 3 glasses of this mixture in 6 days;

Do not drink if your period is more than 10 days late.

16. Blue cohosh

Natural safe contraceptive for women



Because it contains uterine contractions, it is an effective contraceptive herb.

Usage: Boil 950 ml of water then add 1 teaspoon of blue cohosh, stir for 5 minutes, drink three times a day until your period begins.

Note: Consult an herbal expert before use.

17. Black cohosh (Magic Tree)

Natural safe contraceptive for women



It is related to the Blue cohosh tree, the celestial plant that prevents pregnancy by stimulating the production of oxytoxin - the cause of uterine contractions.

18. Apricots

For 100 g of dried apricots boiled with 2 tablespoons of honey for 20-30 minutes, we get a mixture of drinking. In addition, eating 5-10 apricots three times a day from sexual intercourse until the onset of the menstrual cycle also works to prevent pregnancy.

19. Dried figs

Natural safe contraceptive for women



After sex, eating this fruit will help prevent pregnancy. This is popular and effective

Should eat 2-3 fruits per day;

In addition, it is beneficial for blood circulation;

Do not eat much because it is bad for the stomach.

20. Papaya

Papaya has a contraceptive effect. Eating papaya right after having a contraceptive effect, you should eat papaya at least 2 times a day for 4 consecutive days, it will help prevent pregnancy effectively and should not be used when the pregnancy test is positive.

When using effective herbal contraceptives, you should eat and drink properly, consult your doctor before taking any measures and discontinue use when you see strange signs. You should also not overdose or use any of these herbs while you are pregnant.

In addition to the above natural safe contraception, you can also learn many other natural contraceptive methods to implement family planning if you do not want to have many children or avoid pregnancy before marriage. Please.


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