Fever during pregnancy: Causes and ways to reduce fever for pregnant women

Pregnancy fever is a condition that pregnant mothers are very susceptible to because your immune system is weakened during this time and is no longer as strong as before.

Average body temperature is 36–37 ° C, but if the temperature rises to 38.3 ° C, pregnant women will already have a fever! This disease is often accompanied by signs such as tremors, sweating, headache, dehydration, muscle aches and fatigue. If pregnant mother is showing signs of a fever and do not know what to do, please read the following article!

Cause fever during pregnancy

During pregnancy, the mother's immune system often becomes weak because it has to protect the two bodies. Therefore, you are susceptible to infection. Here are some of the causes of a fever during pregnancy:


Common cold

A cold is often accompanied by fever and symptoms such as runny nose, cough, sore throat, and difficulty breathing. These symptoms usually subside in 3–15 days. If after 15 days, but the pregnant mother still shows no signs of improvement, go to the hospital for a thorough examination.

In addition, to prevent illness, keep your home and workplace clean, wash your hands often, and avoid contact with people who have colds.


Flu is the main cause of fever during pregnancy. Flu symptoms are pain, fever, cough, and vomiting. Pregnant mothers try to drink lots of water, rest properly and do not forget to vaccinate .

Urinary tract infection (UTI)

Fever during pregnancy: Causes and ways to reduce fever for pregnant women



About 10% of women get a urinary tract infection (UTI) during pregnancy. UTIs are caused by bacteria moving from the rectum or vagina to the urethra or bladder. The symptoms of this disease are cloudy urine, bleeding, fever, chills and burning sensation when urinating.

To treat it, drink plenty of fluids and take antibiotics as prescribed. If not treated early, UTIs can cause kidney infections and other complications during pregnancy. In addition, pregnant mothers should also test urine regularly to monitor this situation.

Infection of the digestive tract virus

When a gastrointestinal virus enters the body, symptoms such as fever, vomiting, diarrhea and dehydration are often accompanied . All of these symptoms can also lead to premature delivery if not treated promptly.

Pregnant mothers should have a healthy diet with foods such as apples, bread, rice and bananas, drink plenty of water to treat digestive tract viruses. If a high fever during pregnancy is accompanied by vomiting and dehydration, you should see your doctor right away.


About 1–2% of women get amniocentesis during pregnancy. This is a bacterial infection that causes inflammation of the amniotic membranes that surround the fetus. Symptoms include tachycardia, vaginal bleeding , sweating, high fever, and chills. If amniocentesis occurs in the last 3 months of pregnancy , your doctor may recommend an immediate cesarean section to avoid infection.

Fifth disease (contagious with parvovirus B19)

Only 5% of pregnant women have this rare infectious infection. Signs include hives, joint pain, headache, sore throat, and fever. Fifth disease can lead to complications such as miscarriage, fetal anemia, stillbirth and laryngitis in the fetus.

Listeria Infectious Diseases (Listeriosis)

Another cause of fever during pregnancy is infectious literia . Listeriosis appears if pregnant mothers drink water and eat contaminated food. Symptoms include high fever, nausea, muscle pain, diarrhea, headache, stiff neck, or convulsions. Left untreated can lead to serious complications such as preterm birth, stillbirth and miscarriage.

To prevent, pregnant mothers should pay attention not to use unpasteurized or smoked meat and milk, but only eat foods that have been thoroughly cooked.

How pregnant women with fever affect pregnancy?

If you have a mild fever during the first trimester , it won't cause serious problems, but a high fever could be dangerous for the little angel in your belly. The development of the fetus in the early stages depends on the protein activity, so if the fever is high, the disease will interfere with protein activity and lead to miscarriage.

Fever in early pregnancy often increases the infant's risk of cleft palate . However, the use of antipyretics can reduce dangerous complications.

How to reduce fever during pregnancy

Fever during pregnancy: Causes and ways to reduce fever for pregnant women



In a cool place

Pregnant mothers should rest in cool places, turn on fans or air-conditioning.

Wear loose-fitting clothing

Do not wear clothes that are too tight or tight, but wear cotton that provides better ventilation. If you feel cold, pregnant mother should cover a thin blanket.

Take a warm bath

Warm water helps to regulate and lower the body's temperature. However, pregnant mothers are not allowed to take a cold bath because it will make the disease worse.

Drink a lot of water

Pregnant mothers should drink cool water but do not contain carbonate (carbonated water or flavored water). You can try lemon juice to help lower body temperature and regain glucose.

Rest much

Resting helps the mother's body relax, reducing the risk of fainting and falling due to dizziness.

Use a fever-reducing patch

You can buy fever-reducing patches at drugstores or make your own at home. A small bag of frozen peas will work just as well as a fever-reducing patch.

How to treat fever during pregnancy caused by colds and coughs

Fever during pregnancy: Causes and ways to reduce fever for pregnant women



Blowing your nose properly

When the nose is blowing incorrectly, the pregnant mother may experience ear pain. So, it is best to press one nostril and gently blow the other.

Use salt water

Water wants to help disinfect and eliminate bacteria in the nose. Mix one tablespoon of salt with 250 ml of warm water and use a suitable device to spray it in your nose. Repeat this action 2–3 times a day until the illness subsides.


Pregnant mothers should rinse with half a teaspoon of salt and 250 ml of warm water. This helps to reduce throat irritation, itchy neck and phlegm.

Herbal medicine for decongestants

Pregnant mothers should use hot drinks such as ginger and herbal tea. These help soothe inflamed areas in the nose, relieve congestion and prevent dehydration. However, avoid chamomile tea because it contains narcotic agents and bleeding.

Take a shower

The hot shower will clear your nose and relax you, reducing fatigue or headache .

Use peppermint oil

Dab peppermint oil lightly on your nose and chest to clear the nose and treat irritated skin. Pregnant mothers can use peppermint oil, eucalyptus to soothe the skin of the nose that is subjected to constant friction.

Add a pillow

The position of the head higher than the body will reduce congestion. However, pregnant mothers also note that they should arrange pillows to get the most comfortable and comfortable position.

Do not fly

When pregnant, pregnant women should not fly, especially if you have a fever, colds and flu. This can be due to increased congestion or damage to the eardrums due to the pressure changes during takeoff and landing. If you have to fly, pregnant women should bring nasal sprays and pain relievers. Chewing gum will also help reduce the pressure on your nose and ears.

Foods prevent bacterial infections

Fever during pregnancy: Causes and ways to reduce fever for pregnant women



Some foods that help pregnant mothers limit having fever during pregnancy include:

Eat bananas and rice if you have diarrhea with a fever;

Vitamin C helps increase immunity;

Blueberries also help curb fever and diarrhea because it contains aspirin;

Mustard plays a role in dissolving mucus in the nose;

Onions prevent bronchitis and pneumonia;

Black and green teas contain catechins. This is a natural chemical that helps relieve diarrhea.

Pregnant mothers should not overdo drugs because drugs will have side effects. Furthermore, the natural therapies won't make you sleepy or affect your mood.

Through the above sharing, I hope that pregnant mother has more secret to reduce fever as well as maintain good health for yourself as well as your baby.


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