Announce the pregnancy at the company: when and how?

Announce the pregnancy at the company: when and how?

There is no perfect time to inform your boss about your pregnancy. This is purely a decision based on subjective conditions, such as how you feel and whether your company is really "comfortable" or not. However, you also need to have a few things to consider carefully about the time as well as how to "open up" the most appropriate way.

What is the ideal time to announce pregnancy?

The timing of your pregnancy announcement can affect your job and pregnancy. You should consider the following:

The risk of miscarriage: Many women wait until the end of the first trimester, when the risk of miscarriage has significantly decreased, while others keep the 'secret' until the end of the fourth month, when it is results of amniocentesis;

Your condition: If you suffer from excessive vomiting, have difficulty lifting your head from your pillow or if your stomach grows too fast, you won't be able to keep the "secret" for long. In that case, it would be more reasonable to notify the superiors early than for them (and others in the office) to come to their own conclusions;

The nature of the job you are doing: consider any workplace hazards that harm your pregnancy. If your job is particularly hard or you are exposed to hazardous chemicals, you should talk to your supervisor early so that you can request a relocation or relocation, if possible;

Appraisal period is approaching: If announcements could affect the results of upcoming jobs or your salary, wait until the results of the evaluation period are available before you release them. Please;

Office "eight": If your famous company is home to many "eight", you should be especially vigilant. If the news of your pregnancy reaches the boss before you make the announcement, you will have a problem. Make sure your boss is the first to know;

Superintendent's Attitude: Try to gauge your boss's attitude toward company members by discreetly asking colleagues about their experiences. If you think your boss (or company) will not welcome this news, you should wait until week 20 (if you can hide it until then), so that you get the chance. ability to work well during pregnancy. Conversely, if you are confident that the company will take the news easily, share it as soon as you feel comfortable, to take advantage of any benefits (such as flexible work hours. ) that the company may authorize;

Prepare before announcing

Once you have decided to announce, you can take the following steps to make sure this “good news” is well received.


Research the company's maternity leave: Before you talk to your boss, learn everything you can about your company's maternity leave policy and consider setting up a confidential meeting with a someone in the human resources department;

Know your rights: You need to be familiar with these laws to know what you are entitled to;

Adjust your work: If you work in a highly stressful or physically intensive environment, or you are exposed to harmful chemicals, make a schedule to make arrangements for accountability adjustments. work until you are ready to receive it back. You can talk to one of your coworkers and stay in another position until you give birth. It helps to talk to colleagues who have been pregnant;

Planning for a return from leave is essential: A list of ideas and solutions to how work is completed during your absence is essential. You also need to think realistically about whether or not you will return to this job.

Notify your superiors

Now you are fully prepared and ready to announce the news! Here are a few tips for making notifications as smooth as possible.

Take time to announce: First of all, you should schedule an appointment to meet (so no one is rushing or distracted) and be willing to delay the date if necessary;

Positive tone: Don't start with an apology, guys. Instead, let your boss know that you are happy about your pregnancy, have confidence in your abilities, and commit to making time for both work and family;

Be soft (but not be weak): Having a well-laid out and open plan for discussion and compromise is essential. But you should note not "into the water" completely offline;

There is a written confirmation: Once you mention the details of your pregnancy and maternity leave, please confirm in writing so that there is no future confusion;

A call to speak out for the common good: If your company doesn't have the good policies you want, consider teaming up with colleagues and petitioning to superiors for the perks for you. than.

Wishing you a successful newsletter and a happy pregnancy!

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