7 things a couple should discuss before having a baby

Children are one of the big problems in family life. Therefore, you and your husband should not ignore pre-baby conversations for a clear psychological agreement.

A lot of both positive and negative emotions can happen during pregnancy and beyond. Before you have a baby, you and your partner should learn about or talk to each other about pregnancy and parenting. Here are a few things you need to talk about before having a baby.

1. A good time to have a baby

Before getting pregnant, you should take some time to consider if this is the right time to have a baby? Do you have your own house yet? Is my economy stable and enough to feed one more member? Have you prepared mentally and emotionally for a new phase that will change a lot? Are you healthy enough to have and raise children?


You should also consider whether your spouse will be with you during this period? Is he mentally prepared and both have the same desire to have children? Maybe you both have work in progress to complete before deciding to add a new member.

2. Maternity leave

Before having a baby, it's a good idea to learn about the maternity regime your agency currently has and how long you plan to take a break before and after the baby is born.

It is easy to make the decision to take maternity and maternity leave, but you should also take time to consider carefully as well as plan a reasonable time and time to return to work after caring for your baby.

3. Schedule visits from friends and acquaintances

Friends and family will care and visit when you have your baby. However, the reception is not always easy because you just gave birth to a small child. At this time, the health is not good and too busy with taking care of the child. You are difficult to be attentive with the reception of guests. So before giving birth, you can ask a loved one to help you or hire a caregiver while you stay.

4. Night mission

7 things a couple should discuss before having a baby



Be aware that having a baby can drastically lose sleep. Parents can take turns taking care of the baby to take the time to sleep back to health. Therefore, it is very important to talk to each other about caring for a baby at night to reduce stress and difficulties for mothers.

5. Share housework

It would be great if a dad could share the housework with his wife so that you can rest more after a busy day. Before you have a baby, discuss with whom, at what time after welcoming a new member, washing dishes, cleaning the house, washing, changing diapers and more. This prevents your husband and wife from arguing with each other because small things can cause stress and fatigue.

6. Circumcision for boys

7. Parents should agree together

Being a parent is a difficult task. Therefore, your husband and wife should not make things more tired with arguments, disagreements or even conflicts. This not only affects the happiness of your marriage but also affects your children in the future. Do not hesitate to sit together, exchange and bring consensus to overcome difficulties in life together.


Week 9

Week 9

Many pregnant mothers wonder how their 9-week-old fetus has developed. So let's explore with aFamilyToday Health now!

Week 11

Week 11

11 weeks fetus, baby's face continues to develop, mainly in the ear area, the head is about half the length of the body.

Week 24

Week 24

The development of the fetus changes with each stage. aFamilyToday Health shares with you everything you need to know about your 24-week-old fetus.

Week 29

Week 29

29 weeks pregnant will be the time when the mother is 7 months pregnant. During this time, the baby has reached a certain level of development in size, weight ...

Week 33

Week 33

The 33-week-old fetus was able to hear, feel and even see some. Baby can also dream at this stage!

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