Heartburn, also known as heartburn, reflux is a very common symptom that occurs during pregnancy. The following 10 steps will help you fight heartburn, ensure a healthy pregnancy.
1. Eat slowly
It is true that eating fast can save time, but it will cost you with reflux. So pay attention to the response of the digestive system and relaxation. Do not rush in a meal, try to chew thoroughly so that the stomach does not have to work too hard when digesting food.
2. Eat early
Try to eat at least 2 hours before bedtime at night to give your body enough time to digest the food.
3. Relax
Stress or stress in your life can also cause heartburn. So it's best to relax and keep your mind at ease. Do not eat while on the go, try to make your meal quiet and light.
4. Split meals
Eating too much at once will cause both food and stomach acids to flow back up into the esophagus, causing heartburn. Therefore, you should split up the meals.
5. Separation between eating and drinking
Drink first and next instead of eating and drinking. Too much liquid mixed with different foods can cause the stomach to swell and make heartburn worse.
6. Keep your head up
Sit comfortably and upright while eating. Do not eat while lying down. If you want to eat something light before going to bed, support your head with pillows. Avoid lying, sitting or bending over immediately after a meal.
7. Keep a healthy weight
The more weight you weigh, the more pressure placed on the gastroesophageal sphincter. Try to gain weight as recommended by your doctor.
8. Do not make gastroesophageal reflux worse
When you know the cause of heartburn or reflux, do not hesitate, seek immediate resolution before it becomes worse. Common perpetrators of heartburn can include spicy, spicy foods, alcoholic beverages, and caffeinated beverages like coffee, tea, and soft drinks because they also build sphincter. less active esophagus, chocolate, mint and citrus fruits. Eating a lot of fat can also cause stomach reflux and heartburn, so limit your intake of fatty foods.
9. Chew to repel heartburn
Chewing sugar-free gum for about half an hour after a meal will help increase saliva production. Naturally, alkaline and saliva help neutralize acids in your esophagus.
10. Use of drugs and therapies
Medicines that reduce calcium-containing stomach acids are quite safe to use during pregnancy and may also prevent reflux and heartburn. If this becomes more severe, see your doctor to be examined and prescribe effective treatment.
Contact your doctor if your heartburn does not improve or makes you more upset.