9 ways to reduce blood sugar during pregnancy

To have a healthy pregnancy, pregnant mothers need to pay attention to nutrition and exercise. Especially, for people with gestational diabetes, it is necessary to know how to reduce blood sugar during pregnancy.

High blood sugar during pregnancy is called gestational diabetes. The prevalence of gestational diabetes accounts for 3-5% of all pregnant women in the US. Pregnant women are at risk of gestational diabetes if they fall into the following groups: overweight before pregnancy, a family history of diabetes .

If left unchecked, the condition can cause many serious complications. However, gestational diabetes is likely to go away after birth. Pregnant mothers do not need to worry too much because they can control the blood sugar level thanks to a healthy diet combined with many reasonable exercises.


Here are 9 easy ways to lower blood sugar during pregnancy:

1. Healthy diet

You should choose a safe, healthy diet for both mother and fetus. The doctor will check the overall health, age and other health conditions of the pregnant mother for easy control. To know what foods to eat, refer to the article Nutrition for women with gestational diabetes .

2. Limit foods high in sugar

9 ways to reduce blood sugar during pregnancy



Avoid high-sugar foods such as sweets, cakes, carbonated drinks ... These foods can raise blood sugar and make gestational diabetes worse.

3. How to reduce blood sugar during pregnancy: separate meals every day

Instead of eating three main meals, you should eat 4-5 meals a day. This will help prevent an unexpected spike in blood sugar .

4. Reduce the amount of carbohydrates in the diet

You should reduce the amount of foods high in carbohydrates (carbohydrates) such as rice, vermicelli, rice noodle ... and replace with foods rich in fiber such as fruits, vegetables, whole grains.

 5. Drink enough water

9 ways to reduce blood sugar during pregnancy



Drink at least 2 liters of water per day. Regular water supply helps balance blood sugar and prevents complications during pregnancy .

6. Exercise regularly

Exercise regularly in a rhythmic manner with your doctor's permission. Activities such as walking or swimming help the body control blood sugar.

7. Monitor blood sugar

9 ways to reduce blood sugar during pregnancy



Check, monitor blood sugar regularly with blood glucose meter . Measurements help you adjust your diet and take medication as directed by your doctor to prevent the rise or decrease of blood sugar.

8. Urine test

A urine test is an essential test and is prescribed by your doctor during pregnancy. Ketones in the urine appear when the body burns fat for energy. This can harm your baby throughout pregnancy.

9. Insulin injection

9 ways to reduce blood sugar during pregnancy



Get an insulin injection as directed by your doctor. This is treatment when it is not possible to control blood sugar through diet and exercise. Your doctor will teach you how and when to inject insulin and how to store it to ensure it is safe.

According to the Cleveland Clinic , for women with gestational diabetes, the target blood sugar levels are:

The fasting glycemic index is ≤ 95mg glucose / 100ml of blood.

The glycemic index after eating 1 hour is ≤ 140mg glucose / 100ml of blood

The glycemic index after eating 2 hours is ≤120mg glucose / 100ml of blood.


Week 9

Week 9

Many pregnant mothers wonder how their 9-week-old fetus has developed. So let's explore with aFamilyToday Health now!

Week 11

Week 11

11 weeks fetus, baby's face continues to develop, mainly in the ear area, the head is about half the length of the body.

Week 24

Week 24

The development of the fetus changes with each stage. aFamilyToday Health shares with you everything you need to know about your 24-week-old fetus.

Week 29

Week 29

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Week 33

Week 33

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