12 reasons why young children are fussy and soothing

Crying is a child's way of notifying their parents that they are hungry, hurt, are very scared, sleepy and many other emotions. How do I know exactly why my baby is crying?

Join aFamilyToday Health to follow the following shares to learn some more reasons why babies cry.

1. Why does the baby cry? Maybe you are hungry

12 reasons why young children are fussy and soothing




This is the first thing you should think of when your baby cries. Knowing the signs of hunger will help you feed your baby before he cries out loud. For babies, babies often have the following signs: shouting, mouth tip, reflexes to find the mother (when stimulated in the cheek area, the baby will immediately turn his head to the direction of the touched cheek) or Suck your hand.

2. Your baby has gas, colic and other problems

Abdominal problems such as bloating or cramping can cause your baby to cry a lot. In fact, colic can cause babies to cry continuously for 3 hours a day, at least 3 days a week, for at least 3 consecutive weeks.

If your baby is often cranky and cries soon after being fed, he may have colic. Many parents often voluntarily give their baby anti-colic or colic pills extracted from herbs and sodium bicarbonate. However, you should consult your doctor before giving it to your baby.

If your baby doesn't have colic and never gets cranky after eating, he may cry from gas. If you suspect your baby has flatulence, try these simple ways to help your baby like patting his back, grabbing his feet and moving his feet like a bicycle.

3. Babies tend to cry because they need burping

Burping isn't required, but if your baby cries after a feed, burping may be what your baby needs. Babies often swallow the whole air with the breast or bottle, if the air does not escape, it can make the baby uncomfortable. Some babies find it very uncomfortable to have air in their stomachs, while others don't seem to need burping.

4. Diaper dirty

Some babies will let you know as soon as they need a diaper change. Other babies may be silently wearing dirty diapers for a while. In fact, this is a very recognizable cause and all you need to do is change your baby's diaper.

5. The baby is sleepy

12 reasons why young children are fussy and soothing



You think that your baby can sleep anytime, anywhere. However, the reality is not so. Instead of falling asleep, babies can get cranky and cry, especially when they are really tired. To overcome this situation, when the baby shows signs of sleep, put the baby on the bed and gently lull the baby to sleep.

6. Why is the baby crying? Because you want to be held?

Young children need a lot of cuddling. Babies love to see their parents 'faces, hear their parents' voices and hear their parents 'heartbeats, and even discover their parents' distinctive smell. Crying is a way for a baby to ask for a hug.

You may wonder if hugging your baby too much will make him rely on you. In the first months of life, this is not possible. If you want to hold the baby but give your hands a little rest, you can use baby straps. If your baby cries, you can hold him in his arms and talk to him, this also helps him calm down.

7. Too cold or too hot

If your baby feels cold, for example when you take off his clothes to change diapers or wipe his bottom with a wet towel, he may resist by crying.

Young children love to be wrapped and kept warm, but they don't like being too hot. Your baby will feel comfortable wearing one layer more than you do.

8. Very small things

Young children can be uncomfortable by small objects that are difficult to find, such as a strand of hair wrapped tightly on the tip of a finger or toes, that obstructs blood flow. This is also the first thing a doctor looks for if you find your baby crying for no reason. Some babies are especially sensitive to the clothing lining or the excess threads in the clothes. And babies can be very "difficult" from holding the baby to the bottle that parents feed them.

To understand your baby better, put yourself in your baby's shoes. There are a few possibilities such as whether your baby's fingers or toes are uncomfortable, the nipples don't taste good, the lights are too much and the TV makes the baby uncomfortable ...

9. Babies often fussy and cry because they teething

12 reasons why young children are fussy and soothing



Teething can be painful because when a new tooth comes in, it pierces your baby's gums. Some babies may be less affected, but all babies will be cranky and cry at some point during teething. If your baby seems to be in pain and you don't know why, try touching his gums with his hand and you will feel his teeth. Your baby's first tooth will appear when he or she is about 4 to 7 months old, but it may be earlier.

10. Your baby wants to be quiet

Young children learn from receiving stimuli from the world around them, but sometimes they will have difficulty receiving so many stimuli from light and noise to being held by one person or another. Crying is a baby's way of saying, "I've had enough!".

11. Baby wants more attention

An inquisitive baby is always eager to observe the world and often the only way to stop a baby crying is to attract his or her attention with activities from the surrounding environment.

Try carrying your baby on your chest or back. Plan outings with other families. You can choose kid-friendly places like a children's play area , a museum or a zoo.

Many babies are very active, if you let play alone, they will fussy and cry, and if you put your baby next to them while washing dishes, washing dishes or other activities, they will be very happy because they are interested and curious about that. surrounding world.

12. The baby is sick

12 reasons why young children are fussy and soothing



If you have met your baby's basic needs and your baby continues to cry, he may have a health problem. Try checking your baby's temperature to see if he has a fever and for other signs of illness.

The cry when your baby is sick is completely different from the cry when your baby is hungry or upset. So if your baby's crying sounds unsettled, trust your instincts and bring your baby to the doctor quickly to check.

Young children never cry when there is no reason. However, your baby cannot talk to you nor understand what he is going through, but there are many ways you can help. You can also read the article " Great way to comfort a fussy baby" for reference.


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