10 good foods for the process of conception couples need to remember

Foods good for conception will support your pregnancy quickly. Here are 10 familiar but very good foods for the user's fertility.

Love blossoming fruit and fruit contrary to the presence of a little angel in the family is always the happiness and desire of many couples when getting married. To make your wishes come true, the following 10 fertility foods will help you do this.

Take a little note when you intend to become pregnant

The first thing you should do once you've decided to become pregnant is to change your diet. Ideally, you should choose a diet that does not increase weight but increases fertility and strengthens the body so that pregnancy and childbirth happen easily.


Staying away from stimulants like alcohol, sweets, and bad fatty foods is also important at this time. In addition, you should also visit the antenatal clinic to understand the health situation as well as fully vaccinated before pregnancy.

And do not forget to add good foods for the following conception process.

10 good foods for conception

1. Dark green vegetables

Dark green vegetables such as spinach, broccoli, spinach, kale ... help increase ovulation in women, increase fertility. They are not only good food for conception but also very useful during pregnancy because they are rich in antioxidants, iron and folic acid. Eating plenty of dark green vegetables will help reduce the risk of anemia and prevent birth defects in the fetus . These vegetables are easy to process, you can steam, boil, cook soup ...

2. Legumes

Beans are considered a good food for conception. Legumes like lentils, chickpeas, black beans and soybeans are good sources of fiber, zinc, folate, protein and calcium. You should even replace animal-based foods with legumes as beans are easy to digest.

3. Milk

Recent studies show that whole milk is a good fertility food. Milk is a source of calcium, phosphorus and vitamin D. These are also substances that play an important role in the formation and development of fetal bones in the future.

4. Eggs

Eggs are rich in amino acids, should be considered a good food for conception, contributing to increase your chances of pregnancy. The amino acids present in eggs not only help increase fertility, but are also good for egg formation in women. You can process eggs into dishes such as scrambled eggs, fried eggs ... or served with sandwiches.

5. Berries

10 good foods for the process of conception couples need to remember



Berries are berries of the berry family such as strawberries, blueberries, raspberry ... They are rich in antioxidants, vitamin E, vitamin C, potassium, folate, fiber and water. This fruit works to prevent the aging of egg cells.

6. Brown bread

There are many misconceptions about eating a lot of carbohydrate rich foods during conception. However, in reality, you should not completely eliminate carbohydrates from your diet. Therefore, eat a variety of whole grain foods like brown bread instead of white bread or rice. Carbohydrates have an effect on blood sugar and insulin levels. If insulin levels match, hormones are balanced, increasing fertility. So, when making a list of good foods for conception, do not forget brown bread.

 7. Nuts

Some nuts like almonds, walnuts, chestnuts, cashews, are very good for the body. The fats in these fruits are not saturated fats that are harmful to the body, but those fats are made up of monounsaturated fats, which are needed in the regulation of insulin, which increases the likelihood of conception. In addition, they are also rich in vitamin E.

8. Salmon

It is okay to eat salmon when you want to become pregnant because it is rich in omega 3 fatty acids and very low in mercury. Salmon also helps regulate hormones in the body, increases blood circulation to the reproductive organs, increases the likelihood of pregnancy. In addition, salmon can also prevent chromosomal abnormalities, birth defects and miscarriage .

9. Banana

Bananas are rich in vitamin B6 and are an essential food for the production of hormones. Eating a lot of bananas will help keep the cycle regular and help the eggs develop healthy. In addition, bananas also help convert food into energy, create blood cells for the fetus , help the baby develop eyesight and have healthy skin. With the above benefits, you cannot ignore bananas in your diet.

10. Red meat

Red meat is rich in iron and vitamin B12. Therefore, this is an excellent food to prevent anemia. In addition, red meats also help reduce the risk of infertility and play a key role in the production of red blood cells. Red meat such as beef, goat, and pork are also essential for the development of the nervous system. Make sure you are choosing hygienic, tested meats that should be eaten in moderation.

Above is a list of 10 good foods for the process of conception. You can save it in your notebook and eat well, balanced every day to quickly have good news for the whole family.


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