5 types of pets that are suitable for children you can adopt

Parents can learn which pets are suitable for young children to help them have a close friend as well as understand the value of life.

Owning a carefully selected pet can be a wonderful experience that will bring many health benefits and joys to your baby in the long run. In addition, your child will also have the opportunity to learn valuable life lessons while taking care of their pets. Pets can teach children about responsibility and trust, care, and sharing. In the following article, aFamilyToday Health will introduce 5 types of pets suitable for children that you can refer to.

1. Fish

5 types of pets that are suitable for children you can adopt




Little fish is a great place to start when your baby is just getting used to keeping a pet. You just need to buy a small tank with a few colorful pebbles is enough to raise fish. Please refer to the types of fish that are easy to raise, colorful and cheap such as guppies, tetrahedra, butterfly wings ...

2. Birds

Owning a small bird requires your baby to spend more care and attention when raising turtles or fish. However, these can be excellent pets, and some very intelligent and friendly birds will make great friends with your baby. Parrots, flutes, stingers… can be a good start for babies who have never raised birds before.

3. Rodents

5 types of pets that are suitable for children you can adopt



Small mammals including hamsters, guinea pigs, and gerbil are relatively easy to keep with young children. They are capable of growing well in relatively small spaces and do not require too much care. In addition, the small, cute shapes of the mice will make you excited.

4. Cats

Cats are probably one of the most popular pets. Who can resist it when cute cats wrap around and rub their palms? Cats are famous for being independent, can play by themselves and require less attention and attention than dogs, but equally attached to their owners. Also, if you have limited space to live, a cat may be a good choice. However, if you feed your baby a cat, be careful too, as scratching can cause infection in your baby .

5. Dogs

In the end, it is impossible not to mention dogs. This is the favorite pet of not only adults but also children. A dog has all the qualities needed to be a friend next to him: loyal, a good listener, unconditional love for his owner. Additionally, research shows that having a puppy can help you increase longevity.

Before deciding to adopt a puppy, you should find out if it is friendly and suitable for children. You can refer to the following breeds: labrador, golden, husky, pug (bulged face), poodle, Japanese poodle, maltipoo, pomeranian (pom), squirrel dog, chihuahua ...


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The dog is an animal that is close to humans, it is also the first animal that humans were purebred, about 15,000 years ago at the end of the Ice Age.

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